Exclusive Operating Rights, the Alliance's Powerful Protector


Rejecting the request of a divine-grade refiner.

Reject the request of the Alliance of Refining Masters.

Rejected 500 million origin coins.

Tan Yuan stared at Han Muye in front of him.

He dared not imagine if the person in front of him was foolish.

However, where did Han Muye get the guts to directly reject a divine-level refiner?

The shock and astonishment on the faces of the three titans of the Pagoda City Alliance of Refining Masters were too obvious. In their opinion, the conditions offered by the Alliance were extremely generous.

Shouldn't such conditions be readily accepted?

The expressions of disappointment on the faces of the other refiners were even more evident.

A divine-level refiner has offered 500 million origin coins, but Chief Han is still not satisfied?

What else does he want?