Yu Changdao Who Betted Everything (2)

Indeed, in the eyes of a true expert, what was needed was to push the power of a Battle Puppet or Battle Armor to the extreme, not just to seek balance.

Balance meant that there was neither enough combat power nor enough defense power.

"It's best if Old Chen is willing to help me deliver this Battle Puppet to the Sun Cast Academy." Han Muye put away the Battle Puppet and looked at Chen Mao.

"If possible, I would like to invite that head instructor to my workshop to take a look."

Han Muye looked around and said in a low voice, "I'm preparing to mass-produce this composite Battle Puppet that combines the attributes of a Battle Puppet and a Battle Armor.

"For high-level powerhouses, this composite battle puppet is redundant, but it actually has a market for those below the sage level."