Brother? (3)

The level nine battle puppet was silent for a moment. It raised its hand, and the void light array enveloped He Yangsun.

At that moment, a voice rang out. "Nurturing himself with the bloodline of the younger generation of the He family, it seems this senior of the He family has gone a bit too far, hasn't he?"

It was Han Muye's voice!

He Yangsun's expression changed, and a golden light appeared above his head, blocking the halo of the void array.

The level nine battle puppet snorted and raised its hand to press down on He Yangsun.

He Yangsun raised both hands, and two long sabers appeared, slashing directly at it.


He Yangsun was forced to retreat several feet with each step.

The battle puppet's arm also halted.

"Let me see what tricks you're trying to play!" He Yangsun shouted, slashing again with his long saber, then leaping into the air and charging towards the battle puppet.