So Many Primordial Battle Puppets, All Are Mine!

Vast Heaven.



When the palm of the Primordial battle puppet slapped down, the entire space of the ruins of Yutao City was completely imprisoned.

The Galaxy Universe's Heavenly Dao no longer existed. All greatness belonged to the strong.

At this moment, the Primordial battle puppet that slapped down had the power to control everything in the ruins of Yutao City.

When this palm pressed down, all cultivators below the sage level lost control of their bodily strength and perception of power outside their bodies.

Yan Ke'er's face turned pale, her teeth chattering, and her legs trembling.

She was familiar with this power.

After witnessing it, she would never forget it in her lifetime.

Primordial level war puppet, a power surpassing the divine level!

He Yangsun stood there, gritting his teeth. His eyes seemed to be spitting fire.

He had never felt as powerless as he did now.