The Legacy of the Primordial Chaos Passed Down to the Galaxy (2)

The battle puppet was completely destroyed and could not resist at all.

The experts of Cold Moon City in the square were not excited at all. Instead, their expressions were solemn.

It took so many of them to defeat this battle puppet.

However, this battle puppet wasn't controlled by the intruder of Cold Moon City, but by Zhao Quan.

What kind of puppet master could control other people's battle puppets and fend off dozens of divine level experts alone?

If he were to control his battle puppet, how powerful would he be?

They didn't dare to think about it.

So when the broken battle puppet was pinned down, everyone immediately looked towards Han Muye, who finally revealed himself from behind the battle puppet's body.

The illusion of the long spear trembled once again.

Was it its turn to take action this time?

Unfortunately, Han Muye seemed to completely ignore its presence.