The Sun Cast Academy, Student Han Mu

The gazes of several young disciples unconsciously drifted to the side.

Over there, their leading teacher sat.

The gaze of the black-armored youth also slowly turned, a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

As his gaze shifted, the black-armored youth suddenly showed surprise.

The teacher from the Sun Cast Academy was dressed in a blue robe, looking about 30, clean-cut, wearing a sage-level refiner badge on his chest, along with a patent badge.

By the teacher's side was a timid girl of about 10, trembling all over, afraid to raise her head.

The gaze of the black-armored youth fell on the girl, a hint of a smile playing on his lips, then he turned and walked forward.

Inside the cabin, the atmosphere grew heavier with the footsteps of the black-armored youth.

The girl, with her head bowed, gripped the teacher's sleeve tightly, her face pale.

The teacher frowned, his expression tense yet determined.