Combined Primordial Chaos Battle Puppet, Counterattack!

How strong was the divine-quality exotic beast?

A divine-level beast could withstand two divine-level battle puppets or battle armors.

Its body was huge, its physical strength was strong, and its spiritual perception was sharp.

At the same level, exotic beasts were definitely much stronger than human-controlled battle puppets or battle armors.

Yet, at this moment, a divine-level exotic beast was gruesomely smashed into a pulp.

Did that not imply that the limestone puppet before them possessed power surpassing the divine level?

How was that possible?

After all, this puppet was nothing but a pile of rubble…

In the fortifications, the divine-level puppet masters and armor masters who came to help were dumbfounded.

All of this exceeded their understanding.

Outside the fortifications, the trial judges were all staring in astonishment at the puppet that had just smashed a divine-level exotic beast with one blow.