Void Hunt, Nalan Family of Yongming City

Sun Cast City, within the Sun Cast Academy.

Chu Yuyang, who had already become an official instructor of the Sun Cast Academy, was beside Zhu Ling, who was wearing a light red battle armor. She was the young lady of Tuming City.

Zhu Ling's expression was complex as she looked at Zhu Wu, the lord of Tuming City, standing in the void, and whispered softly, "Grandfather, he finally came to terms…"

But what difference did it make if he did or didn't?

Without Tuming City as their foundation, Zhu Wu and the cultivators of Tuming City would either become wandering factions that roamed the void or fall into the wasteland and occupy a wasteland city to become ordinary city lords in the wasteland.

Was he willing to accept this?


That was why Zhu Wu ultimately didn't refuse when Zhu Ling conveyed Han Muye's intentions to him.

Zhu Wu was bound to come today.

News of Sun Cast City's ascension had long been relayed to him.