Meeting He Ju Again, The Might of He Yangsun's Slash (2)

Nalan Xu's eyes gleamed with murderous intent.

"It's one thing for the Sun family to oppose my Nalan family in the past, but now, during this hunt, they dare to interfere."

He looked at the disciples of his own family who were calling for help, and sternly commanded, "Take me to rescue He Ju and the others."

The disciples of the Nalan family quickly flew forward, leading the flying ship.

The flying ship cut through the void and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"I never expected the Nalan Family to arrive so quickly."

Is that Nalan Xu from the Nalan Family? Even the Nalan Clan's Patriarch is here."

"Is the Nalan Family really going to have a showdown with the Sun Family this time?"

Countless people whispered in the resting area of Yongming City.

Whether it was the Nalan Family or the Sun Family, they were both families in Yongming City, neither too big nor too small.