Construction of the Trading City, Protection Fee of Five Trillion a Year (3)

There was no city lord's mansion in the entire Tianxiang City. There was only a Tianxiang Tower that was no different from the other small buildings.

Feng Jiutian admitted that He Yangsun did indeed have the qualifications to contend with him.

Means like turning a big city into a trading city were not something he dared to think of on his own.

From the looks of it, this should work.

With 13,000 small buildings, the annual rental income amounted to nearly five trillion origin coins.

60% of this wealth was handed over to the four major alliances.

Of the remaining 40%, 10% was used to reward innovation.

That was 500 billion origin coins.

Such a scale initially frightened everyone.

Feng Jiutian still remembered the appearance of the Elder from the Alliance of Academies when he came to Tianxiang City.