The Essence of Refining! (2)

Was this arrogance?

One by one, the light clusters seemed to come alive. Some danced gracefully, some timidly retreated, some bared their fangs and claws, and some were arrogantly dominant…

The light clusters around Han Muyi were truly spectacular!

The exploding halos intertwined, all moving together.

At this moment, all the light clusters revealed their spirituality.

This was the true spiritual essence!

"Look, this guy got in through the back door. He won't be recognized by the spiritual items in this round." Someone looked at the spiritual items intertwining around Han Muye and chuckled.

Spiritual items were scurrying around, so there was naturally no way to classify them.

"He won't pass this round." Someone shook their head and said indifferently, "The Liantian Sect selects true strong individuals, not those who rely on connections."