Chapter 17: This Was The Result of a Hundred Years of Cultivation?!

Su Yun looked at the combat strength test machine in front of him.

He did not hesitate anymore. As long as he passed this test, the regrets of the past hundred years would completely disappear.

He was extremely relaxed. If he was tested on another category, he might not be as 100% confident as he is now. He might be more or less nervous.

He vaguely thought of his basement that had almost been destroyed. A casual step into his basement had caused such damage.

If he was an ordinary person, he might be scared of not passing this part of the assessment.

But this time, he would try his best to completely combine his spiritual power in his body and his own strength to form the strongest attack.

He better pass the combat strength test.

The first assessment was to test one's spiritual power, then it was one's speed, and combat awareness. The final assessment was to test one's actual combat strength. Real strength could not be faked.

Many people had passed the first assessment. This last assessment can actually fool some people.

Because you only had less than ten seconds to attack.

And within these ten seconds, you had to have at least reached the combat strength of 300, which was the lowest score for a martial artist to get. Only then could you pass this test.

If one could not reach the minimum combat strength, it would be considered a failure.

Su Yun looked at the not-so-tall combat strength tester in front of him. He was a little worried that he might accidentally destroy the machine. The machine in front of him does not look cheap!

How bad would it be if he accidentally destroyed this thing?

After all, he had easily crushed an ore into powder before.

He didn't dare to use too much of his strength. If he couldn't do it as fast as possible, he would still have ten seconds to continue using his strength. He wouldn't fail the assessment no matter what.

With this mindset, Su Yun first tried to use the powerful strength that came naturally within his body, instead of using all his strength at once.

Although his days were flourishing, he didn't waste his money.

He also had the same mentality of concealing his strength.

Li Deshun looked at Su Yun's almost unruffled state and was a little confused.

There's no way a fool like him has high spiritual power, quick reactions, and no fighting ability!

He naturally smoothed the beard on his chin.

It really makes sense!

There was a smile at the corner of Su Yun's mouth, which seemed a little strange.

Su Yun relaxed, his demeanor looked harmless.

The male inspector found it strange that Su Yun was so calm.

So he kindly reminded him, "Sir, you have to prepare quickly!"

"Why does it look like you haven't activated the spiritual power in your body? Sir, just using your physical strength will not be enough to meet the minimum of 300. Don't you need to activate your spiritual power?"

Su Yun stopped his right hand that was preparing to attack.

He glanced at the examiner.

Spiritual power faintly emanated from his body.

Su Yun seemed to be moving at a speed three times slower and gently touched the machine.

The male examiner and Li Deshun looked at each other.

The two of them were speechless. Was he trying to make a joke?

If he wanted to fool around, he could've done so in the beginning!

The examiner shouted helplessly in his heart. I had already reminded him to exert his strength.

Everyone's attention was focused on Su Yun's slow motion. No one noticed the changing numbers on the screen.

At this moment, the numbers on the combat strength testing device soared rapidly.

3000... 8000... 15000..

After that, it seemed that the machine had exceeded its limit. The display on the screen turned to 0.

0? ? ?

Was the machine dumbfounded?

Although the force exerted just now didn't have any effect, it wasn't 0.

Could it be that the machine was damaged?

Or did something else have happened?

The examiner went behind the combat strength tester and found that there was a row of 0's on it.

How interesting!

The machine could even play tricks with 0's. Is it also trying to fool around?

He opened the debug panel behind the combat strength tester and pressed the reset button, but there was no response.

Even after some tweaking, the machine's display still showed a long string of 0s.

The male examiner held his forehead helplessly.

Come on, the machine just had to break down right now!

"Sir, it's not that I want to criticize you, but what you did just now was so childish!"

"If the machine wasn't broken today, you wouldn't have been able to pass this test. In the meanwhile, I will ask someone to send over the latest combat strength tester."

The male examiner said with a serious expression.

Su Yun thought for a second.

"If it is broken, you will pay for it! You are the one who told me to use all my strength!"

The male examiner frowned slightly.

He casually agreed, "Alright! If you can break the machine, then I will pay for you!"

Li Deshun covered his mouth and laughed.

This was the first time he saw a candidate with 0 points. This was also the first time he had ever seen a combat strength tester with 0 points!

How great would it be if he wasn't given another chance to take the make-up test!

A fighter with 0 combat strength!

This matter would definitely make the headlines of the hot searches!

"Little Su! If your body isn't good, you don't have to force yourself to endure it! How great would it be if you could obtain the unique title of having 0 combat strength!"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly. This guy's mouth was really poisonous!

However, he still didn't need to pay attention to this trash. The most important thing now was to become a martial artist and fulfill his own dreams.

"If you like it, you can take it!" Su Yun said casually.

Li Deshun's gaze towards Su Yun became fierce.

You Brat, you still dare to talk back to me now? I'll ask my son to find a time to teach you a lesson as soon as I have the chance!

Damn it! That arrogant bat!

Outside the testing room…

Li Zhengguang saw the broken machine being moved out of the testing room.

What happened?

Could it be that father went overboard? That shouldn't be the case!

The psychic scroll that the clan master gave us couldn't have been this powerful!

Was it because father was fighting with Su Yun inside and broke the machine?

His father's mouth was very vicious, not to mention some other things he could do.

The thought of his father's vicious mouth, made himself wanted to give him a beating!

Just as Li Zhengguang's thoughts were running wild, he saw a group of people carrying a machine that was several times bigger than the one that was brought out into the testing room.

This was a new combat strength testing machine. From the looks of it, it should be able to withstand the combat strength of 100,000 beginner grandmasters.

But, why did they want a stronger psychic box so much?

Could it be that there was something we needed hidden inside?

After the machine was carried in…

The male examiner looked at the machine and said with a smile, "Sir, you can use your maximum strength on this machine. It won't be as fragile as the first one!"

"If you still don't put in your effort this time, you can't blame others for failing this test!"

Li Deshun also took the opportunity to mock, "Who knows, maybe this little Su is just too strong and is afraid of disturbing us!"

A mocking expression could be clearly seen on his face.

He looked like he was asking for a beating.

"Yes!" Su Yun answered indifferently.

Since he wasn't going to lose his money, what's there to worry about?

The examiner returned to his seat at the computer and said one last thing, "If you're not taking this seriously, you can't blame anyone else for failing the test!"


Su Yun's expression became unusually serious.

[ Demonic Ape Body ] activated, [ 100 Times Calculation ] activated.

His brain operated at a high speed, calculating and planing the most powerful method.

A gust of strong wind suddenly rose in the testing room, and gradually increasing in size.

In the next second, Su Yun seemed to have awakened the prehistoric giant beast inside him.

The pressure was so strong that it made the two people in the room unable to breathe.

At the same time, Su Yun's entire body seemed to have grown. Suddenly, he was actually half a head taller than the machine.

The muscles on his body were like giant dragons coiled around him, giving off a menacing aura.

In the end, Su Yun concentrated all of his strength to his right hand.

Then, he smashed the combat strength tester.