Chapter 23: Boiling Blood

Blood refinement was completely different from the skin and muscle refinement.

After all, it was to refine blood. Refining liquid.

Blood was different from solid matter. And not only that, it was a matter that could affect the whole body.

The situation inside the body was completely different.

Once there was a problem with the blood, it would cause a person to fall into a crisis.

Moreover, Su Yun did not have any experience in liquid refining.

He did not know if there was anyone in this world who had such a case. After all, there were too many cases where one's thinking was a little out of the ordinary!

There was no blacksmith in Shadow Moon Base City who had such skills.

No one, no one knew of such a miraculous saying.

Other than these.

Blood involves more aspects.

Human blood. The human body is 70% water.

And the liquid accounted for a large part of the body.

The most important place is the melting of blood, blood between the problem of mutual exclusion.

For this to work he would need a lot of preparation and a lot of consideration.

And all of the preparation and consideration would take a long time to prepare.

If something happened to the skin or the muscles, there was still a chance to save them.

If there was any problem with the blood, there was a high possibility that one could die.

He could die on the spot!

"If you want to refine blood, then do it slowly and steadily. I would first use low-grade materials to refine the blood. First, refine the blood into a transcendent weapon. After that, I can start considering whether to upgrade it or not."

Su Yun immediately made a decision and began to refine the blood on the spot.

The refining methods were completely different.

The blood was in a liquid state, so of course it would need a completely different method from the previous ones.

However, fortunately, Su Yun had the [ 100 times calculation ] talent , which allowed him to defy the heavens and completely change the impossible.

The refining of liquid was simply an unimaginable existence in this era.

In this era, martial artists were the kings.

Even divine artifacts didn't have the opportunity to use liquid form.

This was an existence that transcended eras.

Su Yun felt that he would definitely be able to do all of this well.

Turning on the computer, Su Yun started to look at over a thousand kinds of materials on the internet, including ores, metals, and materials for fierce beasts…

After all the suitable materials appeared on the screen, Su Yun began to test their adaptability.

It was as if countless simulators had appeared in his brain, continuously running countless simulations in his mind.

The simulations made Su Yun realize the differences that existed.

It seemed that a large amount of ores or metals could not be used in the blood.

These could only be used as auxiliary things.

Otherwise, the impact would be fatal. It could cause blocked blood, or it could block the blood vessels.

The conventional method did not seem to work!

Su Yun was slightly helpless. He did not expect the difficulty would be this high.

It was as if there was an invisible mountain in front of him, completely blocking his way from moving forward.

Since solid matters could not be used as his main material, should he change his direction?

Should he use liquid matter as the basis for his research?

Liquid matter? !

In terms of strength and activation ability, the blood of ferocious beasts was stronger than human blood.

If he thought about it, it would be better to use the blood of ferocious beasts as his reference.

After Su Yun changed his mind, he started to search for the most suitable blood on the internet.

Demonic wolf's blood: increase a little reaction from Su Yun. (Nope!)

Black blood vulture's blood: increase the body's metabolic rate. (Nope!)

Porcupine's blood: ... (No way!)

After studying over a hundred types of fierce beast's blood, Su Yun found that a second grade excited cat was more suitable.

Excited cat's blood: causes the blood to become excited, greatly increases combat strength!

For a short period of time, it can increase the explosive strength of the user.

Which then can allow the user to have a certain amount of time, and the cat's explosive strength is very suitable for situations where the user has a high explosive strength.

His combat power was often not very high nowadays, so it would be more beneficial for him if he could have a higher explosive power.

Spiritual power could not be increased in a short period of time!

The increase in spiritual power would require a certain amount of time to accumulate, and everything required time.

"I've finally finished."

Su Yun put down the pen from his hand. The ground was littered with waste paper, leaving behind six pieces of materials.

"Transcendent weapon: [ Boiling Blood ] . It uses the excited cat's blood as its main material. It is supplemented with materials from hundreds of fierce beasts, dozens of ores, and several types of metals..."

This was the plan that Su Yun had come up with today.

Even though this was an extraordinary weapon, the difficulty was beyond imagination!

In the eyes of ordinary people, to refine a weapon, it would definitely require a large amount of metal or different types of solid objects.

In this plan, the main materials were the blood of various ferocious beasts, while the metals and ores became the supporting parts.

If this plan were to be publicized, it would definitely cause a magnitude 10 earthquake in the weapon refinement world!

Other than that…

Su Yun had also planned the direction for the next refinement and the corresponding materials he needed.

"If the first phase of [ Boiling Blood ] doesn't have any problems, then the next phase, [ Volcanic Blood ], shouldn't have much of a problem either. It's just that the materials needed are getting rarer and rarer."

The time shown on the computer was 3:00 am.

Su Yun stretched, washed up, and went to sleep.

The night was silent.

The next morning…

Su Yun returned to the smithy and made the preparations.

After pushing open the door to his basement, he remembered that he had forgotten to buy the materials.

There were many kinds of materials he needed this time, and it should take a few hours for them to be delivered. 

He glanced at the materials placed on the side of the room.

They were all for the Flame Palace's monthly mission.

Since the items he wanted had not been delivered, he would refine a transcendent weapon first!

When he was free in the future, he would cut ties with the Flame Palace. 

However, by forging a perfect transcendent weapon, he would basically be able to repay the debt he owed over the years.

No matter what people say, to him, the most difficult period was when he was doing the Flame Palace's mission.

Su Yun picked up the ore from the ground and started to refine it.

About an hour later, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

 Ding! "Perfect transcendent weapon has been successfully forged! Reward 500 points!"

As soon as he was done, Su Yun threw the weapon into a corner and waited for a time to submit the weapon.

The mission is completed. Clean up the blacksmith's shop. Until I find a time to find an empty space, I won't be able to display my strength here!

After Su Yun cleaned up the smithy, all the necessary materials arrived.

After accepting the materials, Su Yun took out the different kinds of blood to mix. As they mixed together, the color of the blood gradually started to change. Su Yun took out a small knife that was emitting blue light to cut his skin. It was extremely difficult to cut open his upgraded skin, but once he did, the blood immediately flowed out.

Then, Su Yun took out a bottle of blood mixture and poured it over his wound.

But at the same time, the cut was visibly recovering.

It was annoying to recover so quickly!


In the next moment, [ Yellow Flame ] appeared in the palm of his hand. It burned the blood solvent and allowed Su Yun's blood to mix together.

Su Yun could feel the foreign liquid flowing into his body along with the wound that was finally torn open. It flowed through the circulation of the blood and throughout his body!

All the other materials were added in turn. At the same time, he also added [ Yellow Flame ] into the mix.

That's right, Su Yun divided [ Yellow Flame ] into threads, which flowed into his blood along with all kinds of materials and liquids.

The first day passed…

During the whole refining process, Su Yun found that his body was getting younger and more energetic. At the same time, his body's perceptive senses has also improved, and his rhinitis, which he had been suffering from for many years, was suddenly cured.

During the process of refining the blood, Su Yun had no way of discovering the difference. He could only sense that there was a huge difference in the sensitivity of the blood.

The next day…

Su Yun pushed open a jade box. The blood inside looked abnormally active, as if it was very easy to ignite. The blood had a faint fragrance, and its color was turning light green.

This was the blood of the excited cat, and it was also the main material for his project.

In a blink of an eye, three days had passed.

Ding! "Congratulations for successfully forging a perfect transcendent equipment. Obtained 500 experience points."

Ding! "Unlocked [ Yellow Flame ] 1%."

The mechanical notification finally arrived.

"It's finally done!"

Su Yun's face was filled with joy.

"I wonder what effect [ Boiling Blood ] has!"

Su Yun felt the throbbing blood in his body and wanted to try the effect.