Chapter 35: Old Man! Why Haven’t You Leave For Heaven Yet?!

A group of five hunters emerged from the jungle.

The leader's eyes were filled with a murderous intent. Wasn't it obvious that he wasn't a good person?

After gathering and packing up all the materials from the fallen agile monkeys, he had planned to return to the satellite town to sell these materials.

He happened to hear other voices close by, so he walked over to see if there was a chance to pick up more loot.

The four people behind him were all dragging bags of fierce beast materials.

"Chief, that's the blood flame grass and blood flame flower!"

"Why are you shouting so loudly? I have eyes too, you know!"

Chief Sun narrowed his eyes and carefully observed everything around him.

There was something strange…

There wasn't a single fierce beast guarding such a large area.

This is a little too abnormal!

They couldn't help but thought.

Only then did everyone realize that it was not only a little strange, it was simply against common sense.

Normally, a place with such a big area full of mystical materials, various fierce beasts would have clawed each other to claim this as their territory. 

And yet, there wasn't a single corpse of a ferocious beast here.

It's odd, especially because this was a place where tier three blood flame flowers bloomed.

This was a good herb that was worth up to four million alliance dollars!

It was several times pricier than the price of the agile monkeys materials that everyone had collected!

With the help of this tier three blood flame flower, they might be able to increase their strength by a step.

After reaching the intermediate level martial master, it would be even easier for them to climb up the levels in the future!

If they could refine it into a pill that is...

But, there seemed to be someone else here?!

"Boss! Look, there's an old man next to us!" The blue-clothed Sun er whispered in Chief Sun's ear.

Chief Sun glanced at the old man next to him. His hair was white and his body looked like he was at least 80-90 years old.

If the territory had an owner, wouldn't it become an ownerless plot of land once its owner died?

Moreover, once a person got older, their Qi and blood would drop rapidly. He wouldn't be strong enough to fight back!

He was already so old, yet he still ran out of the city. The conditions of his family must not be that good.

Moreover, the aura that he emitted is too weak!

Even a martial artist had a rough time surviving in this place. How did he get here?

At most, he was a mid-level martial disciple. Even a high-level martial disciple would not have gotten here in one piece. Chief Sun simply did not know how strong he was.

There was not even a piece of armor on the man's body. Then, he turned to look at the armor his subordinates wore.

There wasn't a single one that was lower than transcendent grade.

And yet this old man didn't even bring a weapon. Could it be that he only engages in close combat?!

Or was this guy just lucky? And didn't encounter any enemies along the way?

Their luck wasn't too bad either. They were able to obtain a large amount of materials from the dead agile monkeys after all.

However, they couldn't leave after seeing such good stuff!

"Old man! There are so many good things here. It should be for everyone who sees it, right?" Chief Sun's tone was full of disdain as he asked. "And shouldn't we split it equally?"

If they split it equally, with five people on his side and one on the old man's side, they could get five-sixths of the herbs!

"You guys didn't use any strength, do you want to eat your farts?!" Su Yun replied without even raising his head.

Hearing this, the five hunters were stunned.

With these herbs laid out in front of them, what kind of strength did they need?!

It was obvious that this old man didn't know what was good for him and had wanted to keep them all for himself.

Chief Sun's gaze becomes unfriendly.

If you refuse a toast, you'll have to drink the forfeit!*

For the sake of his "nice guy" act, it was still better to ask another question.

"Then, old man, what strength did you use?!" judging from Chief Sun's tone, they all know that he was clearly barely holding onto his patience.

"I chased away the agile monkeys," Su Yun said calmly with an indifferent expression.

The air between them froze. 

The five hunters looked at each other and looked back at the old man's face.

He was someone they knew they could fight against in their mind.

"He said he chased the agile monkeys away. He must have been scared to death!"

"This old man is so funny! What is he doing, joking around here?!"

"The agile monkeys?! Then were you the one who hunted for the materials we have?!"

Su Yun glanced at the largest agile monkey skin. "I killed it. I was just too lazy to collect it."

"Give you an inch, and you'll take a mile?!"

"Old man! Why haven't you left for heaven yet?!"

After saying that, the five hunters began to laugh loudly.

One of them even laughed until he fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

As they spoke, the five hunters gradually approached Su Yun, hoping to scare him.

The five of them wanted to run away from those agile monkeys, but this old man actually said that he could scare them away.

In their line of work, how could one not have a good eye?

The rules of a robbery, less money spent, more money earned, which was the way of a king!

As for benevolence, justice, and morality, when you fall into the abyss, Satan will teach you properly then!

Su Yun didn't want to get mixed up with these messy people, so he turned around and got ready to leave.

When the chief was only ten steps away from Su Yun, he turned around and signaled to his people behind him.

It seemed that this old man was just bluffing, he probably didn't have any real ability!

Everyone nodded, drew their weapons, and walked to surround Su Yun.

"You want to rob me?!" Su Yun asked helplessly.

"Wrong answer, old man! We're just switching ownership for those items! This is what you call a fair trade!" The corners of Sun Yi's mouth curled upwards as he arrogantly proclaimed.

As he spoke, he constantly shook the mace in his hand.

He had an expression that said, "Old man, you're done for."

Su Yun sighed softly.

The humans were originally a weaker group that were suppressed by the beasts.

Countless martial artists were fighting desperately to protect the humans at the front lines.

And yet, there were many vicious people who were robbing from their fellow humans. When could the humans recover their lost land?

These fellows would do anything and they will be the first one to be thrown into the internal flames!

They had the strength but didn't think about how to protect their country. And instead, they were doing these heinous things.

They were even more detestable than a fierce beast, and deserved to be killed like one!

Sun Yi relaxed his entire body and moved his wrists and ankles.

It was the first time he had dealt with Su Yun at such an old age.

This new experience was simply thrilling!

"Go to hell, old man!"

Sun Yi jumped two meters high and raised his mace high above his head, preparing to smash Su Yun's head.

Just as he was about to successfully hit Su Yun, as there was still one centimeter left…

Su Yun stretched out his middle finger to block the mace.

The mace stopped midair.

"Screw you!"

Sun Yi's face was filled with a surprised expression. How is this possible?

He was moving at a high acceleration and gravitational potential energy, and it was stopped by a single finger?!

While Sun Yi was still hesitating in the air, Su Yun hit the mace back to its owner.

The mace instantly shot back into the sky to where the hunter was still mid-air, and smashed right back onto Sun Yi, turning him into a bloody cloud.

At that moment, the four hunters finally reacted. This old man was so strange!

The other hunters who were still surrounding Su Yun were all stunned for a moment. They had thought that Sun Yi could deal with that old man, but who knew that the other man was so powerful!

As they watched Sun Yi's body turn into a bloody cloud in the air, some of them immediately felt their hair stand on end. They felt a cold shiver running down their spine, and their entire bodies turned numb.

This old guy was actually a ferocious man!

  1. 敬酒不吃吃罚酒 "refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit" -- to submit to somebody's pressure after first turning down his request.
  2. Basically someone who has been given a small amount of power or freedom to do something, and then has tried to get a lot more. So the hunters thought that Su Yun was using their "kindness" to lie/exaggerate to save his own skin.