The Trial, The Execution and the Hypocrisy.

"Did you do it?"

The man leaned forward staring into the face of another in a somber yet passionate manner.

He spoke in a slow yet calm fashion, nonetheless every single word held back endless emotions.


The other responded with a resigned sigh as he leaned back within the trial box.

The box was made of glass so that everyone could see the defendant within and was full of magical inscriptions to weaken said defendant and prevent them from using any tricks.

The first man then leaned back with a slight sneer forming on his face, satisfied from being proven right.

"What did it Cost?"

This time he spoke up with way more emotion than before. The contempt and disdain could be seen hidden behind his already cracking façade as he considered the case already closed.

The other man took in a sharp breath, lips trembling as he barely managed to calm itself. Or that is what it seemed before he uttered words that would never be forgotten in this Courtroom of the Divine Alliance.





Contempt turned into rage as the first man glared at the second.

"Do. you. think. this. is. a. joke!"

He spoke in a low guttural voice, packing every single word with unbridled hatred for the man within the box. Seemingly threatening to tear the other apart should they make one wrong move.

"So you are telling me this whole circus show of yours is something other than a big fat joke?"

The second man sneered while leaning back on his chair. His faltering expression long gone, to give way to a smug and defiant one. If one were to take a glance at that face one would feel themselves in an extremely irritated mood. The more one stared at that insolent, even provoking face, the greater the desire to punch the annoying smirk off it grows.

"SAMUEL QUETZAL! You are being tried in the Court of the GODS for your crimes, show some resp-"

"-La La La. Do. You. Ever. Shut. Up.

First of all, it's all your fault for being so goddamn vague. Like what the heck are you trying to pull by going all – 'diD yOu dO iT?'. Like man, I have done a lot of crazy shit so I probably did whatever you were talking about but still I am not a telepath bro, you gotta tell me what you mean by 'IT'."


"Was it the time I almost burned down the palace of the Vanir In Vanaheim? Seriously it was nothing personal! I swear! I just needed a distraction to escape safely after stealing the goods"


"Or was It the time when I poisoned all of the mead in Asgard's coffers, I mean it's not like anyone died except that Var chick. The goddess of contract's existence was a bit too binding on me, I needed to do something to get away from all those … loan sharks."


"Tsk. Surely the Aesir don't love their mead that much! They do? Nevermind then... Aha! Was it the time when I seduced and broke the heart of the elven princess? I mean she was really pretty and all but alas… It just wasn't meant to be."


"Like she was way too naïve and pure for my tastes. Hmm if it wasn't that was it the time when I tricked the dwarves into building "that thing" for Helheim's army?"


"Not that too? I wonder what could it be… like bro please give me a hint, at this point I am basically giving out my resume."

By this time the prosecutor had cycled through all 5 stages of depression and 4 stages of rage and 7 cycles of reincarnation before finally managing to get a grip over himself.

"Samuel Quetzal, aka SAM THE SCUM you have been brought before the Court of the Gods of the Divine Alliance. You have been charged for multiple crimes against the alliance and have repeatedly sown chaos through our ranks. What you are being tried for is for freeing the villain Loki from his chains"

"Ah, that wasn't me. Like I did help a bit, but that fella escaped all by himself. I have no idea why you guys think I did it. The one I did free though was his son Fenris. Fun times. It's a pity though, the way he ended up after that…"

"It has been 5 years since the game descended upon reality and after a long struggle Valhalla has finally managed to capture you. Every single one of your crimes is enough to warrant you the most gruesome sentences. Today is the day of your judgement! COWER IN FEAR! BEG FOR MERCY! You still will have to face the consequences of your actions."

The Prosecutor proclaimed as he raised his hands up in the air as if conducting the crescendo in an orchestra or something.

Clearly he had lost control, last time I (your author) checked conducting an orchestra mid-session in a courtroom was considered unprofessional behavior.

"…aaah I get it, You guys are mad cause I broke your Gjallarhorn right. Now you cant do your victory dance and play that horn when Ragnarök is over. Well too bad, from the way things are going I think you guys wouldn't have gotten the chance to use it anyways"

Sam's response was met with silence yet again. Clearly they had decided that he was beyond talking to or had used the mute button on the box, if it had one.

Sam also stopped talking, as he knew nothing he said could get him out of this mess. Like the prosecutor had said, his crimes had finally caught upto him. Sam's life had been full of massive ups and downs. But there never had been a greater down than when the game descended onto reality.

Instead of playing like normal players, Sam's playstyle had been that of an internet troll..

The amount of people out for his head was a testament to that, he had gained monikers like, SAM THE SCUM, Human trash asshole, piece of sh*t and so on.

He had gone wild within the game, creating enemies left and right whether they were NPCs or Players. The number of times he had died in game and had his character reset were almost reaching the three digits.

Unfortunately, once the game descended not only was his level behind all the major players, he couldn't respawn after death anymore.

Thus, he was almost always on the run with multiple teams of hunters on his tail. After 5 years his luck had finally run out and a high level demigod personally came to capture him for trial.

The proceedings of the court went on as the jury discussed among themselves the best way to deal with him.

"Samuel Quetzal has been deemed GUILTY and has been sentenced to instant execution within this courtroom for his various crimes! Samuel Quetzal do you accept your punishment"

"NO U!"

"The accused Samuel Quetzal accepts his punishment. The execution will take place after 5 minutes, please summon the executioner to the courtroom."

"Yo are you even listening to me, I said I do not accept. Let me go."

The prosecutor shook his head and walked back towards Sam's box while sneering at him.

"Do you even feel any remorse for your actions? Do you have any idea how many people suffered due to your actions?"

"I missed the part where that's my problem"

"Tsk. You are indeed an irredeemable trash. This world is better off without scum like you."

"Gonna cry?"

"Haah, It's like talking to a brick wall."

5 Minutes were over and the executioner had arrived next to his box. All he had to do was pull the lever next to the box for him to be electrocuted with heavenly lightning comparable to the one wielded by Thor.

"I hope that you will be a better person in your next life and not cause as much trouble"

That was it! Sam had officially reached his breaking point. First these people chase him all over the world like a pack of hyenas, then they put him in a glass box to be ridiculed and chastised, then they "judge" him for his crimes as some sort of representative of justice, and finally they had the gall to tell him, Samuel Quetzal, the one who single-handedly spread chaos throughout the nine realms to go live a better life!

Even though Sam behaved like a shameless scumbag all the time, he also had his pride, and seeing it trampled over and over like this really ticked him off.

"The bunch of you are all hypocrites! This is Ragnarök! This is war! The amount of war crimes your faction has committed number higher than the hair in Odin's beard. What fucking justice! What bloody better life! This is a goddamn apocalypse! The only law here is that might makes right.

Let me tell you my real crime, the only real crime I have committed is to dare to defy you all without having the strength to back it up. My crime is to 'swallow more than what I can chew' and to cause so much chaos while being just a weakling. Your pride just cannot fathom the fact that you got outplayed by me.

But let me tell you this, I have not, do not and will not regret a single thing I have done! NEVER! If given a second chance I will be cause twice the chaos while being four times as weak. I will flip the "common sense" of this stupid apocalypse and pave my own path to glory. I will not let anything or anyone stand in my way. Mark my words!"

"The foolish ramblings of someone with one foot in the grave, Milord please give the order."

"Executioner, it is time, please pull the lever"

"Yes milord!"

Before anyone could react, the executioner pulled down the lever in one swift motion.

Lightning charged along the walls of the box before making their way to hit Sam…

The golden arcs slowly made their way through the air towards the Scum planning to obliterate him from existence

Slower still, the arc continued their path, before…

"Why the fuck is it taking so long…"

Sam raised an eyebrow as he hadn't seen such bullsh*t before.

The arc that were supposed to strike him literally came to a stop mid-air. He turned up to see that no-one else seemed to have noticed this anomaly. As a matter of fact, they didn't seem to be in a state of noticing anything as they had all been frozen in time.

"For reals…"

Before Sam could make heads or tails of the situation a charming voice sounded out loud behind him-

"Did you mean what you said?"

Sam turned around to see the owner of the voice.

"Did you mean it that you would live your life the same way?"

Sam silently stared at the owner of the voice. Many questions raced through his head- Just why had they appeared in front of him at this moment? How did they manage to stop time? and What was the intention behind the question?

The voice in question continued to stare at the Sam with a charming and patient smile on their face, waiting for an answer.

Sam took a deep breath to calm his nerves before smirking once again.

The reason the voice was here didn't matter, the answer to the voice's question would always remain the same,

"Yes. I meant every single word that I said. Do tell me, what sort of scheme are you planning…"
