The Encounter

Chapter 2: The Encounter

"What the hell just happened?"

Lieutenant John Brody wonders while being stuck, he cannot move, cannot say anything, cannot scream, his entire point of view is black, he breath hard like a man is about to die, in the time he struggling with his problems, a voice from somewhere comes out to his ears:

"Lieutenant John! Lieutenant John! Wake up! Wake up!

That's Sergeant Grey's voice, he is in panic, trying to save John's life by calling him.

"Hooh! Haah! Haah! What was just happened to me?" - John suddenly wakes up, looking around him and his men, he realizes that the sky is now very dark, it took him few seconds to stand up with Sergeant Grey's help, he feels his body very heavy, like a person who luckily passes a sleep paralysis.

"What about everyone else?" - John looking around

"Everyone else is fine sir! You was the only one who got in this situation!" - Sergeant Grey replied John

"Our unit is still full of 24 soldiers including you, no one is missing or is in the same condition like you earlier except that some of them felt panic after the sun and everything suddenly went dark for no reason." - Sergeant Grey continues

John looks at the soldiers behind him, look likes the his platoon is still alright and full, some soldiers come to him and ask him if he's not feeling well, about Igor and his men, he didn't give a word for him.

John takes a lighter from his pocket and lights it up, the scenery around him is very dark, he raises his left hand  to see what time it is as his daily habit though the watch itself has stopped working and he realizes the watch is now run again, he calls his soldiers to check their watches and suprisingly that all of their watches also running again.

"Strange! What does it mean?" - John wonders

"If I remember correctly, the first sun rise was about 20 minutes ago, and now the whole sky still dark like this!"

Suddenly, the sun starts rising up the sky but with a very fast speed, in about 10 seconds, it has now in the middle of the sky, means it's already noon, then the sky goes a normal speed like nothing happened.

While John was wondering all of these strange phenomena, behind him, his soldiers are now panicking about where they are.

"Where the hell is this place?" - A soldier screams in panic

"We were just at an open plains, and now we are in a middle of the forest, how can this happened?" - Sergeant Grey also wonders, he didn't panic but he feels something unsual.

"Everyone calm down! There's nothing to fear here, look around you, the helicopter, the convoy truck, the tank and 2 Humvee cars are still here with us, there're also the supply of this extraction point." - John calming his soldiers

"Private Taylor, make a radio contact to our headquarter immediately!" - John orders Private Taylor

"Sir! Yes sir!"

" Warhead 5-5, this is Warpath 2-1, over!"

"Warhead 5-5, this is Warpath 2-1, please answer"

"No one responds, sir!" - Private Taylor nervous

"Then we have to move on our own, we didn't know much about the area we're in yet, at first we will move to the south, I see this area is not really hard for our vehicles to go, we will move down the low grounds, we're in the hard time situation so let's stick together, Lieutenant Dan, you and Private Fal will take the point, use your helicopter to patroling around, if you see anything unsual, report to me"

"Sergeant Grass, you and your soldiers will move your tank behind the convoy truck to protect it in case if the car get attacked, Corporal Igor you will lead the way with the Humvee, we will go behind you, Private Bob, you will drive the convoy truck, you stay behind us." - John orders everyone

The helicopter is patroling around, the forest they're in is quite easy to go, not much trees in it, they look at their team moving on the ground and decide to go more farther to open the path.

John is really cautious with every move, he looks around to make sure his team won't be ambushed or make any problems on the road, then the radio calls:

" Captain! I have something to report you!"

"If you go straight up that way for more 500 meters, you will go out of the jungle and you will see an open plain you will see a group of soldiers, I don't how to say but their clothes look strange, they're wearing something like armors, but they're fighting with long sharp things like spears, swords, look likes they're being ambushed by the other group" - Private Fal speaks to John while looking at the binocular.

"Do not interfere! I'll go there slowly to see how it goes and decide later" - John replied to Fal and reports to everyone around him

After hearing what John said, Corporal Igor suddenly tells his men to speed up the car to go to the group that John said earlier, John shouts to him many times "HEY! IGOR! GET BACK! GET BACK HERE NOW!"

"FUCK! Grey, speed up the car at full speed to stop Igor before he could do something worse!"

John and his men speed up the cars, but it's too late, before he came to that place, there were many gunshots fired by Igor and his men.

When he finally comes, Igor is standing next to the Humvee car, said" You missed the fun part, captain!"

John looking around and see there are about 30 men who wearing body armors like Knights that were killed by Igor and his men and now are lying on the ground, he also sees the strange people riding horses are on the road forward but he didn't care about that much but go after Igor and warns him:

"If you do that next time without my permission, you'll get a punishment!" - John threatens Igor

Sergeant Grey suddenly touchs John's shoulder and points his right hand to what forward John "Captain! Look!"

John starts looking at the road forward, except the corpses of the people that died in the firefight, there are about 50 people look like soldiers but all of them are wearing armors with the weapons like spears and swords like the medieval knights, he wonders " Did I just somehow time travelled to the past?"

He looks behind and finds out that his soldiers are now pointing their weapons at the soldiers forward them, John doesn't want to have any fights, he knows that fighting in this situation is useless, all he need is information, his men, they have the right to point their guns at the strange people because they're panick but that not mean they have the right to shoot them.

"Do not fire! Do not fire until I give the order" - John shouts

John is now thinking that he need to keep an eye on Igor, that guy can take the action everytime if he let his guard down.

Forward the place John is standing is an open plains, there are 50 strange people are riding on horsebacks and also equipped with armors and swords, he slowly moves towards the people, he's now away from them about 15 meters, a young girl comes out from the soldiers, she looks straight to John's face and have a loud speech:

"I'm Sheria Starvina, I'm the Princess of Starvina Kingdom, I give the most gracious words to you and your people from saving me and my men out of the ambush from the enemy of Aloss Kingdom!"

"And I'm Lord Dalshik, the Princess's General!"

"I'm Lord Roberto, the Princess's Strategist!"

"I'm Lady Nodrian, the Princess's Guard!"

Three more people introduce themselves after the Princess's speech, those people probably didn't speak any Engrish words but somehow John and his men can understand everything they say, then, the girl called herself Princess dismounts her horse and walk with her guard Nodrian towards John, John salutes 2 ladies by the military salute:

"John Brody, from the Platoon Warpath 2-1, belongs to Unified Repulic States Ground Force"

"You! You're so rude! I'll cut your body in half!" - The Princess's guard becomes angry and about to grab the sword out of her scabbard

"I owe this man a favor Nodrian! So he have permission talking with me without honorifics"

The guard named Nodrian calms down slowly, John is already loaded his pistol in case if he gets attacked, he waiting for the Princess's move, that girl then leans towards him with a child smile:

"You didn't speak our native Angriskian language but we can understand each others, interesting!" 

"Hey! Hey! Where did you people come from?" - Sheria talks while grabbing John's shoulder and goes towards his soldiers like a kid

"We're from the 52th Division of the Unified Republic States Ground Force, but somehow we got drifted here while on an escort mission" 

"Drifted?" - The girl keeps repeating the word she doesn't used to, then the helicopter from John's team lowly landing on the ground not far his team after finding a good place for them to land, the appearance of the helicopter makes Sheria's soldiers terrified, some of them fall down from their horses but they're not really heavily injured.

"Hey Hey! Is that a metal bird, can I tame and drive it, please, Sir John! - Sheria becomes cute and begging John 

After hearing Sheria begging so much, John decides to let her get inside the UH-1 Helicopter, he told the pilots to stay outside and teachs Sheria how to drive a Helicopter

"I, I don't understand, I don't know how to drive this Helicop, Cop, Copte but can I use this magic tool instead?" - She says it while pointing her hand to the M60 Light Machine Gun which is mounted on the side of the UH-1.

John accepts to let her use the gun but at first, he will mount the gun to the side that doesn't have any people at all for the safe, he then teachs Sheria how to aim an M60, she is now understands how to use it but she asks him one more question:

"What is this magic tool called?"

"This is an M60 Light Machine Gun" - John replied


"Nodrian, Dalshik, Roberto, everyone, look at my performance with this magic tool!"

Everyone focus on her, Sheria then pull the thing that called "trigger" as the way John taught her to, the gunshot makes her shocked and scared, it's also scared the horses of Sheria's soldiers but after a while, Sheria's soldiers managed to stay calm their horses and enjoy watching her performance with that powerful "magic tool".

The girl herself is now used to it but the gun has a very high recoil when firing in automatic mode so Lieutenant John had to hold her shoulders to make sure she can firing the gun accuracy, finally, after firing about 100 bullets, finally the tree that she was aiming for had been shoot down.

"Nodrian! Look at what I did!" - Sheria enjoys her achievement while jumping around 

Temporary, John's platoon will set up a camp in that plains, Sheria said she will come back for them in a few days.

On the way going to her castle, Sheria says to Roberto:

"I want to have all of those soldiers as my ally as soon as possible! Roberto, have any strategy?"

"Yes My Highness! We should provide them foods at first"

"But they told me earlier they have enough foods for a while" - Sheria feels a little disappointed from her strategic 

"What about the treasures, My Highness?" - Her General Dalshik suggests 

"What about your beautiful and your cuteness, Princess, the commander of that strange army seems very like you, if you can use beautiful to trick him, we can use him as our dog, also when we know the way to use all of those powerful magic tools, then just kill them and take over everything they own!" - Nodrian suggests 

"No Nodrian! I don't have any intention of using them, also all I want to make an alliance with them, we need their power to fight against Aloss and Tigar Kingdom from their invasion in our country, but anyway, you're the most cunning person I have ever seen I my life!"

The Princess and her people laugh, cheering for the new alliance that have been formed recently while on the road.