Chapter 7 "Teasing"

I sat down on the couch, and remain silent..I don't know what to do..I'm alone with 12 boys infront of me..then I started gulping~

As I was getting a little nervous, and Baekhyun was far away from me too..I started to feel a little awkward, but then a beautiful woman came infront of me while carrying a child..

Hi, are you okay, do you want to drink something" the woman ask

I then nodded as an answer

The woman looks very kind, she must be Chen's Beautiful and kind how lucky~

Appa!! Can you get her a drinks please? The woman pleasingly said

Okay, I'll bring it right away" Daddy Chen said smilingly

I was happily hearing this lovely couples calling each other was so adorable, then the woman suddenly sat beside me and it makes me a little comfortable~

What's your name? She ask

Y/N" I said nervously

You must be a little bit frightened about what happened, anyway I'm ???? Chen's wife and this is my daughter ???" She said smilingly

It was nice to meet you, and I am so happy to finally meet you and your daughter in person" I said..and started to feel comfortable

Me too, I thought I'll be the only girl here, but gladly Oppa Baekhyun brought one" she said smilingly

Ahemm sorry to interrupt you ladies, here's the drink" Daddy Chen Said

Thank you Oppa" I smiled

Sweetie go with Daddy, I still need to talk to Eonnie Y/N for a she can feel at home, okay" Chen's wife said

Yes Mommy" their daughter said smilingly (and went towards Daddy Chen)

<[Meanwhile the boys]>

I didn't know Baekhyun already has a Girlfriend" Kris teasingly said

Ahhh Baekhyun already has a Girlfriend" Chanyeol said

Hey Tao what's the news about them, come on share something" Luhan said

Tao if you know something, remember to share with us, I'll buy you some meat, and anything you want, don't you want that" Suho said

Well.....they did went out for dinner lastnight" Tao said with his evil smiled

Can't you just stay quiet Tao" Baekhyun said

I'm sorry Hyung, but Suho Hyung said he'll buy me anything I want, including meat" Tao said

Okay okay, but we're just friends okay" Baekhyun said

Ahh just friends" Kai said while winking to the others

Ehhh what's with that Wink Kai" Baekhyun said, Then Kai just smiled at him

<[Back to me]>

Y/N your their fans right?" Chen's wife ask

Yes Eonnie I am" I said while looking at the boys

While I was staring at them, they seems to enjoy a lot together..and it made me feel happy..But most of the time, it looks like they were teasing Byun Baekhyun something~

After I was staring at them, I come up with the idea to ask Eonnie this~

Eonnie, I don't see Xiumin D.O and Lay around, where are they? I ask

Ahhh!.. they were at the Kitchen, cooking for our lunch" Chen's wife said

Should I get you some snacks?" She continued

No it's okay Eonnie, I still had my apple" I said

Where is my apple? Did I forget it on his car earlier" I ask myself but then~

Uhmm excuse me Eonnie, I need to talk to Baekhyun for a while, I'll be right back" I said, and went towards Baekhyun was~
