Chapter 14 "Compliment"

While busily arranging the plates, I heard talking coming from the living room, Tao and Baekhyun woke up and directly headed this way~

Ooh your awake" I said

Yes Good morning" Baekhyun said with a smile

I'm starving, Hyung what's for breakfast?" Tao asked

Fried rice with eggs and bacon" Kyungsoo said

Can I have a bite?" Tao cutely ask

No! We should wait for the others..and go wash up, both of you!" Kyungsoo said

Okay" Both of them said and went towards the bathroom

Uhmm Oppa, Is Tao always acting cutely around you and the others?" I ask curiously

Hmmm He does, but if he is in a good mood only, Tao really had a very scary personality, he had a bad temper and that's his nature" Kyungsoo said while putting toppings on the toast bread

Hmmm then how about Baekhyun?" I ask again

Baekhyun, well he is..very annoying person but he is good to people around him, let's say he is kind..but had a scary personality too" Kyungsoo said

Okay, how about you?" I asked

Me?!, Well I'm just being me" He said while smiling at me..

Laughs, sorry for laughing Oppa" I said, and just that Baekhyun and Tao came out of the bathroom~

That was fast" Kyungsoo said

We need too, now let me wake up the others" Tao said and started making noise

Be sure to slap them with a pillow on their faces Tao" Baekhyun said and runs towards Tao

Pillow Fight!!" Baekhyun shouted and started to make rukus on the living room,

Tao follows too

Then I heard noises on the living room..I guess everyone was awake..Now I wonder how did they know my Birthday?..

Breakfast is serve, hurry and go wash up" Kyungsoo said, then everyone followed


<[Arrangement of our sit]>

Kris and Tao facing each other, Baekhyun, Me and D.O sat on the right while Lay, Luhan and Sehun is on the Suho, Chanyeol, Kai and Xiumin was in the living room~


Finally Breakfast!" Tao said while started to eat Happily

Eat slowly, if you don't wanna get choked" Kris said while staring straightly at Tao

Okay Hyung" Tao said

As I was eating my breakfast, I can't stop but to glance at Luhan who is infront of me..Then change my sight to Sehun who keeps on staring at me~

Uhmm Kyungsoo Oppa?" I ask

Yes what's wrong?" Kyungsoo said while looking at me

Why does Sehun Oppa keeps on staring at me?, I get goosebumps from his stare" I said in a lower tone


What do you want to say Sehun?" Kyungsoo ask

Nothing Hyung" Sehun said

(Chuckled) you keep on staring at Y/N, I know you want to say something" Kyungsoo said

I-i just wanted to say that Y/N is very beautiful" Sehun said with a bashfull face

Really?" I said while smiling at him

Sehun nodded

Hmm what's the rukus there, did someone say something?" Suho ask

Sehuniee complimented to a girl for a first time" Luhan said

Oh my, I thought Sehun is shy around Ms. Y/N" Chanyeol said

Really, well lots of people keeps on complimenting my looks, so I know that Oppa Sehun was thinking so hard just to say this words to me in person" I said and smiled at Sehun

So Oppa Thank you for complimenting me, I'm very very happy to hear that" I continued

Then Sehun smiled at me~
