Fang Yue’s Business Affairs

Meanwhile Tang Lin learnt of his task, a discussion within the Xu family's family hall was proceeding.

"A new unknown realm has been discovered above the Tianshan mountains, you say?" asked Xu Lin.

"Yes, from the information we've collected so far there are many unknown dangers, but we are certain that it is the tomb of a supreme expert and must contain their inheritance inside. So countless wandering cultivators, sects and family clans have been preparing for the opening of the realm including the neutral Ye clan, which is in a little over a month's time. Although we've encountered a slight problem", replied Fang Yue.

"Oh? And what does that happen to be?" inquired Xu Lin, curiously.

"This mysterious realm seems to only allow people of the age 16 and below to enter", told Fang Yue with a seemingly perpetual ice-cold expression.

Xu Lin frowned at the mention of this. Sensing his father's doubt, Xu Yang quickly perked up.

"Father, we are cultivators attempting to defy heaven's way. If I don't take these rare opportunities because of some dangers, how will I ever be able to move forward in my cultivation?" urged Xu Yang.

After some contemplation, Xu Lin finally made up his mind.

"Sigh, I shall agree in letting you participate then", answered Xu Lin.

"Then my business here is finished and I hope we don't become enemies during the expedition", responded Fang Yue.

"We will see you out to-.."

"No need, I can go by myself", interrupted Fang Yue, not bothering to turn around as she walked back outside into the courtyard.

"How arrogant", Xu Yang thought disapprovingly, although he was very enticed by her.

Xu Lin, unfazed by Fang Yue's behaviour, turned back towards Xu Yang as he firmly held his shoulders.

"Xu Yang, you must make it back alive. I will be sending all of the servants who are 16 years old or below to aid you, but just think of them as fodder in emergencies. Don't forget to be on Fang Yue's good side, so you might have the opportunity to take her primordial yin, which can greatly nourish your cultivation. Also, bring your brother along with you in case he can also encounter any fortuitous opportunities and protect him, but remember you are the Xu family's genius so you must be careful." Xu Lin reiterated.

"Don't worry father, I won't disappoint you", he said confidently.

"Inform Gu Dong and the servants of this mission and tell him to arrange all the applicable servants in a month's time", instructed Xu Lin to a nearby messenger on his right.

Within a chamber of the Xu family.

"Interesting, a mysterious realm that only allows cultivators of 16 years and below to enter. This must've been set up by the supreme expert, so their inheritance doesn't fall to those of the older generations or their enemies. There is also probably no way to fake your age since the realm checks your bone age and repels you if you're not within the age limit", Old Gu reflected realistically.

"Regardless, why is master Xu Yang so strict with the newcomer? Cut 1000 spirit trees? And he only has a month before he gets sent to participate in the mysterious realm's expedition. There's no doubt the Xu family is going to use the servants as cannon fodder, he probably won't even make it", sighed Old Gu, empathetically.

Night drew closer as Old Gu rallied the young servants. Looking around, he failed to locate Tang Lin.

Slightly raising one of his eyebrows in confusion he asked, "Has anyone seen the newcomer, Tang Lin?"

Seeing as everyone was confused, he rephrased his question, "Sigh, has nobody informed him of the mission", lightly raising his voice.

"U-Uhm… we couldn't find him so we thought he was already here", responded a servant timidly.

"Ah, I forgot about him and left him chopping wood near the forest", thought Old Gu.

As Gu Dong hurriedly walked closer towards the backyard, the resonant sounds of the axe grew stronger.

Turning around the corner of the main building, Gu Dong arrived in the backyard.

"T-t-this-…", thought Old Gu aloud.

Standing among huge piles of cut spirit wood as if they were corpses, the scene of a young boy facing the overwhelming mountain of spirit trees with his vulnerable, yet unyielding body, left a deep impression within Gu Dong. His tenacious disposition was frightening, as blood dripped down from his recent injuries and bruises on every spot of his body with the reddish-orange lights of dawn further stressing his determination. He chopped and chopped and kept chopping with a fierce gleam burning within his pitch-black eyes, illuminating the evening.

It was as if he was one boy going against the entire universe.

He was truly mesmerizing.