Slaying the Heaven-Tier Beast


The frost-scaled basilisk laid dead on the floor of the messy jungle as foam frothed from its mouth.

"Argh…" Tang Lin groaned as he looked down at his lower body.

It was completely crushed, but slowly the corpse of the frost-scaled basilisk was devoured by his crimson essence. This slowly nourished his body as its blood essence was used to rapidly recover his legs at a speed visible to the naked eye. While Tang Lin was busy enduring the pain, points had accumulated within his mind from slaying the frost-scaled basilisk.


'Hm? Someone broke through the restrictions that I placed for the Trial of Mortality and managed to use qi. They also somehow absorbed the core drop of blood essence used to recreate the beasts in the trial. Interesting, I didn't think there was anyone this capable in this continent', thought the guardian spirit as it watched over the trial.


An incense stick of time later.

"Huuu…" Tang Lin sighed gently as he tried testing out his legs by standing up.

Sitting back down in a meditating position, he closed his eyes as a number surfaced within his mind.

'1000 points? That must mean that the frost-scaled basilisk was a heaven-tier beast', he thought as his heart raced.

'Holy shit, 1000 points! Doesn't that mean I've already passed the minimum requirement for this trial?' he realised.

"HEEEY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" someone yelled as they ran towards Tang Lin.

It was the Shen siblings who had just recovered from their initial shock. Due to the frost-scaled basilisk's charge, Tang Lin was sent flying from their original position, which was why it took them so long to reach him.

Not sure if they were a friend or a foe, Tang Lin instantly tensed up, still mentally exhausted from the fight.

"What do you want?" Tang Lin questioned in an unfriendly tone.

"Thank you!" Shen Long stated as he bowed down halfway.

"What are you doing? What are you thanking me for?" asked Tang Lin confusedly.

"When the frost-scaled basilisk attacked, I wasn't able to save my younger sister, but luckily you had managed to change the trajectory of its charge or I would have never been able to forgive myself", he spoke as his body trembled with anxiety.

"I will forever be in your debt!" he declared gratefully with a solemn expression, while looking back up again.

"Sigh, but you should know that it was never my intention to save her. I was only saving myself", Tang Lin reminded, not wanting to take advantage of them.

"That doesn't matter to me. The fact is that you saved her and I'm deeply grateful for it", Shen Long replied.

Shen Long's gaze seemed to soften as Shen Yin spoke from behind him.

"I think this is yours", she said as Tang Lin received his canine weapon back from her.

'What a beauty', he thought as he saw her up close.

Compared to her brother, Shen Yin had a slender body similar to Fang Yue, but had a completely different temper than he imagined. Her previous appearance had seemed mature from afar, but now it seemed like she had a childish and playful side to her.

"How did you kill that beast?" she asked him after a moment; unable to resist the urge.

'Not this again… How should I cover it up?' Tang Lin thought.

Seeing Tang Lin's uncomfortable expression, Shen Long interrupted.

"Shen Yin! He's your saviour, it doesn't matter what method he used against the basilisk. Everyone has their secrets", he replied in Tang Lin's stead.

"Humph! I was just a little curious", Shen Yin pouted.

"It was good to meet you two, but it seems that this will be where we part", Tang Lin said, trying to escape the awkward situation.

Alright, but before you leave, I want to at least give you some information in exchange for saving my sister.

"Information?" Tang Lin repeated his words, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, information. Apparently, there are caves and altars around the jungle that contain heavenly treasures, which are guarded by strong beasts residing in this trial. This also isn't much of a secret, but in case you didn't know, the God-tier beast is at the centre of the jungle. It is inside a cave within a giant mountain. The 'Heaven's Gates' at the south side of the mountain is the only known entrance", Shen Long explained to Tang Lin.

'Heaven's Gates? Caves? Heavenly treasures? This is news to me. That means there should be a heavenly treasure back in the frost-scaled basilisk's cave', he thought to himself.

"Hah, I'm sure you're curious as to why I know so much", he remarked.

"I'm really no-...", said Tang Lin, attempting to deny him.

"HAHA, fine. Since you want to know why so much, I'll tell you. It's actually because my family was the first one to find this ancient inheritance. So, of course we would have the most information", Shen Long stated proudly, while puffing out his chest.

"Well, we'll also be on our way then", he concluded as he dragged his sister away, who was still disgruntled with her brother.

'Hmm… I wonder where they're from. They seem to have a powerful background, so it's good that I didn't provoke them. I guess I should also head back and check out that cave', thought Tang Lin as he retraced his steps back into the ruined jungle.