

The doors automatically closed as soon as they entered; locking them inside the chamber.

"I can't open it. We're trapped", said Tang Lin, attempting to reopen the doors.

*Hum hum*

'Ugh. Ever since the start of the first trial, my crimson bloodline has been reacting excitedly for some reason. Is it perhaps reacting to something?' he thought.

"Tang Lin, over there", whispered Fang Yue, pointing behind the chimera.

Tang Lin's eyes moved in the direction of her finger as he saw a staircase leading upstairs.

"The exit?" Tang Lin asked her hopefully.

"Well, there's only one way to find out", she answered.

*Low growl*

Sensing its opponents, the chimera didn't even bother to get up and merely gave out a warning to not disturb it.

"It's underestimating us", Tang Lin observed with a frown.

"That's a good thing. Others might not have survived in the past, but this time there's you. You can use qi and possibly that strange power of yours", Fang Yue commented.

"You can use qi here?" a voice asked.

Tang Lin and Fang Yue instantly went on guard as their eyes swept over the vicinity of the chamber. Suddenly, Tang Lin turned to the chimera who was now awake.

"It can't be. You can understand us?" Tang Lin asked, seeking confirmation.

"Of course. After all, I'm an intelligent divine beast. Why wouldn't I be able to comprehend your language?" the chimera explained proudly.

"Now answer me. How are you still able to use qi in this trial?" the chimera asked curiously.

"That's what I would like to know", he replied.

'Hm? I sense a familiar aura inside him', thought the chimera.

"How do we get out of here? Are you also part of this trial?" Fang Yue asked.

"Hmph. Just because I'm talking to the both of you, doesn't mean I have to answer all your questions. Especially yours, Fang clan girl", the chimera said.

"How did you know that?" Fang Yue asked suspiciously.

"Why wouldn't I know? You and your ancestors have come inside this ancient inheritance realm over and over. Only to fail to inherit my master's legacy every time", scoffed the chimera.

"You!" shouted Fang Yue before holding herself back in embarrassment.

"That's enough. Senior, would you please allow us to pass?" Tang Lin inquired politely.

"Pass?" the chimera repeated, before bursting out in laughter.

"Since the creation of this ancient inheritance and death of my master, not even one person has made it past me. Despite that, you think by just asking me politely that I'll let you through?" mocked the chimera.

'That old system bastard also won't let me off the hook if I don't fulfill my role and fight properly in this trial as well', thought the chimera.

"However, your ability to break through the restrictions and use qi has intrigued me. If you manage to so much as damage my fur, I'll let you through", the chimera offered.

"What about her?" Tang Lin asked.

"Death!" said the chimera devilishly.

Fang Yue shuddered at the chimera's words as she looked at Tang Lin. Never had she felt so helpless. Sweat dripped down Tang Lin's neck before he shut his eyes for a moment to think.

"Let both of us go!" Tang Lin countered bravely as he looked back at Fang Yue, while squeezing her hand.

Thousands of thoughts ran through Fang Yue's mind in an instant when she heard his decision.

The boy in front of her was so much weaker than her, yet at that moment, feelings of warmth and security filled her heart. Her emotions felt indescribable.

"Hahaha! How brave, but if you want her to live as well then you have to penetrate my hide and make me bleed. Let me warn you though, my hide is tougher than normal", laughed the chimera.

"Deal!" Tang Lin confirmed.


The chimera started charging at them as they both discussed their plans.

"Fang Yue, we need to separate and run in opposite directions or we'll be sitting ducks. You go right, I'll go left", he whispered quietly.

Understanding his intentions, Fang Yue drew her azure sword before darting off.

'There's only two ways we can win with this. The powers of the crimson bloodline or possibly with the power of the Twin Dao swords. If all hope is lost, we can still attempt to escape through the staircase leading upstairs', Tang Lin thought quickly.


The ground in front of him turned ablaze.

"You can breathe fire? How's that fair?" he yelled, looking at the goat head on the back of the chimera.

"In this world, those with power define 'fair'", the chimera replied.


'Ugh, the tail was a snake?' thought Tang Lin as he got caught from behind, while distracted from the fireball.

"Now tell me, where and how did you obtain that power inside you? If you lie to me then I'll just have to rip you into pieces to find out myself" threatened the chimera fiercely.

"Power? I don't know what you're talking about", he groaned as the snake tail constricted him tightly.

'Fuck! How did he find out? Does he know about the crimson bloodline? I could tell him, but I still don't know whether he would be a friend or foe', thought Tang Lin.

"Let him go!" Fang Yue shouted.

'Cloud Steps', she thought, executing the footwork to close the distance between her and the chimera.

Cloud Steps was an upper human-tier movement technique learnt exclusively by the juniors of the Fang clan. However, Fang Yue was still not proficient enough. So, when she tried to sneak attack the chimera from behind, she tripped.

"Ah!" Fang Yue squealed in surprise.

She had tried to slash the origin of the snake's body attached to the chimera's rear end, but her attack ended up lower than expected.

"Argh!" screamed the chimera, his eyes and mouth popping out in shock as he dropped Tang Lin.

Tang Lin and Fang Yue both got up to see the chimera rolling on the floor in pain.

Fang Yue's attack had hit its groin, which did not do any visible damage on the outside. However, the shockwave sent by her sword slash had injured the chimera's sensitive nerve receptors internally.

"My babies! My babies! You monster!" yelled the chimera in horror as it looked for Fang Yue.

While it was distracted, both of them were running to the exit.

As the chimera was far away and unable to reach up to them in time, the snake's head at its tail rose up.


A purple venomous acid was slung halfway across the chamber. Tang Lin, who was further ahead, had managed to dodge in time, but the same could not be said for Fang Yue.


"Urgh", she groaned, clenching her teeth tightly to endure the pain.

"Fang Yue!" Tang Lin shouted as he turned back around.

The poisonous acid had penetrated the lower right-side of her neck.

Running back, he lifted her up with both hands as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Seeing them escape up the stairway, the chimera thrashed around the chamber; fuming in anger. Never had it felt so humiliated as it did today.

'Brace yourselves. If I ever manage to see you two again, I'll rip both of you into pieces with absolutely no mercy', planned the chimera, while still rubbing his groin to try and soothe the pain.