Never let a good crisis go to waste

"Sentinel, I bring word about her." 

Kasem's informant who also served as a mechanic aboard the Horizon had rushed over to his mistress as soon as he heard the news. 

"What is it?" She asked the man. 

"Ava Robinson has been recruited to join the special team that will infiltrate Sigma's moon. She is currently in the armoury." 

"You are certain about this?" She enquired. Kasem could only see one reason why Ilya would take the navigator into the battle zone. It was the final confirmation for her that Ava Robinson was indeed Ilya's synced sentinel. A cold hand of rage curled under her ribs as she mourned the loss of Ilya to another woman. If he had synced with a man, Kasem would have still had a chance with Ilya. 

"Yes, sentinel. I saw the Commander himself leading Ava to the armoury."