Ava wants to die

Video feed from the optical probe sent through the door of the next chamber revealed no detectable living creatures. The very dimly illuminated room was filled with machinery that was no longer in use since the place had been effectively abandoned when the engineer was kidnapped.

"I don't trust what I'm seeing," King said. "There could be more aliens hiding behind disguised doors and wall panels that we just can't see right now."

Archer was inclined to agree.

"Maybe we ought to toss in a smoke grenade, you know. Shake things up a bit inside," Lorentz suggested.

It was a good suggestion if they were dealing with known aliens or humans. The extra terrestrials they had met since their arrival on the moon were uncatalogued. Infrared sights had so far failed them thus a smokescreen was bound to hinder their sights as much as it would their enemy's.