Class (2)

Estelle smiled plainly in response to Jade's praise. It was a typical response to a typical reaction. Estelle held no ill will towards Jade but she did not feel a particular interest in her as a person. She was simply making sure that Jade had a good impression of her.

"I am just a little talented, that's all." Estelle humbly replied.

"No ordinary man deserves our Estelle." Jade nearly swooned. She was critically affected by Estelle's words of humility as well as her calm beauty. It was as if she was in the presence of an angel.

However, Liandra was having completely different thoughts. 'I have never heard her being so humble and respectful like that… How does she switch up her personality like this? Is she kind to everyone but me or is she just good at hiding her true self?' Liandra thought to herself.

Liandra wanted to call out that Estelle was in fact a devil, a devil that fed on the misery of others while being completely apathetic of the struggles of those around her. Alas, Liandra could not do so. In the end, Liandra could not climb the mountain that is Estelle's authority. She hated Estelle yet she needed Estelle.

"Jade, you seem to be a very bright girl. Maybe you would make great friends with my sister." Estelle side-eyed Liandra.

"She's your sister? I didn't expect both of you to be from the same family… you're both like princesses." Jade was in complete awe, almost drooling from her mouth.

"Yes, I am Liandra Vermillion. I'm Estelle's younger sister." Liandra politely introduced herself to Jade, making a polite grin.

"Your hair is so silky and your eyes are so pretty… Both of you have such amazing genes. And both of you are so approachable… let's be friends." Jade stuck both hands out as if asking for two handshakes. Her face showed a look of expectation and hope.

"Absolutely." Liandra immediately replied, her lips curling upwards with true warmth as she shook one of Jades hands.

"My pleasure." Estelle did much the same except with a much more shallow grin.

"With this, we are all friends." Jade was filled to the brim with joy. She had just made two angel-like friends that were friendly to her despite her being excessively bubbly. This trait had annoyed many people, which resulted in her struggling to make good friends.

"Hey did you know that I was 13th place in the entrance exam? I might be a little bubbly but I assure the both of you that I can carry my weight in group projects. I can also put together stylish outfits that fit the trends… so if you ever feel like partying, I'm always here." Jade ran through what seemed to be a list of her talents right in front of the two. She was a little anxious as she did not have many friends at all. The last thing she wanted was for her new friends to feel like it was not worth their time to be with her.

"Impressive. I'm sure we'll do well as a team." Estelle nodded her head as her smile became a little more neutral.

"You also like fashion? Me too! We should talk some time and compare our styles." Liandra a quickly became interested. She too had an interest in clothing. Being raised in a high status family, she had been exposed to all sorts of fashion and had grown to have somewhat of a good taste. Seeing as there was someone that was similar to her, she was naturally ecstatic. Best of all, they had become friends.

"That would be awesome! We should have a sleepover at one of our dorms and show off outfits then. We can also get to know each other and play some fun games." Jade suddenly suggested an event out of nowhere.

"A sleepover? Why do you want to do that?" Liandra asked.

"Everyone knows that relationships grow when you stay in the same room. What applies to lovers can also apply to friends. I also want to have some fun with my new buddies." Jade responded.

"My sister and I are roommates. If you'd like, we'd love to have you stay overnight. It would a fun experience." Liandra quickly made a move to confirm the appointment.

"Great. I don't think I'll have homework tonight so I'll be there this evening. Also, mind if I bring my roommate along?"

"Not at all." Liandra answered with a wide grin.

Meanwhile, Estelle was not in a great mood. Liandra had clearly made such plans without asking for Estelle's permission, allow while using Jade as a means of pressuring Estelle to let it happen. She believed that if she denied the sleepover, Jade might become disappointed, causing some resentment.

"Excellent. I am excited to see you and your roommate tonight." Estelle wanted to die inside due to her failure to properly control Liandra. Estelle already disliked sharing a bed with Liandra, now she had to accomodate two other personalities.

However, while this was all happening, a certain lecturer was beginning to become fed up with the constant chatter. "Silence! Let me continue with my lecture." Lord Raster yelled at the top of his lungs, making sure that all students paid attention to his words.

Almost immediately everyone became dead silent and stopped speaking amongst themselves. The lecture finally gained speed and concepts were brought up as well as explained in good detail. Estelle, Liandra, and Jade all took long notes which looked like pages of dot points and sub headings. While they had been making noise before, now they had been forced to stay quiet and pay attention.

The class ended after two hours of explanations. There were not any more things to discuss so the lecturer finally let everyone leave for either their dorms or their next class.

"I'm free for the rest of the day. Lucky most practical classes don't run until the second week of the semester, am I right?" Jade whistled a tune as she walked out of the lecture hall with the sisters.

"Indeed." The sisters answered in unison.

"Wow, both of you are like two peas in a pod."