The Provocation

"I guess I will be kissing you." Estelle made an awkward smile, trying to look positive. This technically wasn't her first time kissing a girl but she still felt wronged. In all her life she had not even touched a man, yet she had kissed a girl.

"Treat me well." Melina leaned forward and closed her eyes. She hummed a tuned as she waited to receive the first kiss of the game, full of expectation.

"Alright, here I come…" Estelle leaned into Melina's face and pressed her lips onto Melina's, not going further than that. She held for a minimum of two second before releasing unflustered.

'Peppermint…' Estelle could taste it faintly. Her eyes narrowed, something was amiss. She could feel a certain confidence emanating from Melina, as if the girl was in control.

"That was great! I think it's your turn now, Estelle." Melina giggled with satisfaction.

"Right." Estelle grasped the bottle and prepared to spin it. Her hands were steady and her body was stiff. She wanted to rig it so it would fall on Jade. Out of all of the potential options, Jade seemed like the least undesirable. Liandra was Liandra and Melina seemed suspicious.

Meanwhile, Melina's heart was pounding with vigour. Her eyes could not escape from replaying the moments that had just transpired before her. Her devil sister had actually kissed Melina… mouth to mouth. She could not believe that her heartless sister was actually capable of performing something so intimate with another human being. It felt wrong, Liandra just could not accept it.

"I'm spinning it now." Estelle flicked her wrist and sent the bottle spinning in the middle of the girls. It felt like a predictable motion, spinning at a speed where Estelle already knew the exact outcome. She momentum was meant to stop where she wanted it to stop. It did not matter if luck was on another's side, the bottle would hit its mark. Or so she thought.

A sudden halt in its motion shocked Estelle. This time it was point straight towards Melina. The prediction was suddenly overturned as invalid even when she had rigged it.

"My my… again? I guess it's my turn to set the pace." Melina chuckled. Her eyes glimmered with an electrifying look. Her top teeth rested on her bottom lips, almost as if they were about to squeeze down. However, it became a neutral grin within seconds. Melina leaned forward and took the initiative this time, passionately kissing Estelle as if they were indeed lovers. After a moment, she released and licked her lips in satisfaction.

"You seemed experienced with this…" Estelle commented, holding in her emotions after receiving such a kiss.

"I am just a fast learner." Melina replied with a smile.

"Also… my turn again." Melina quickly spun the bottle again.

Within 10 seconds, the bottle stopped at Estelle yet again. One might believe that it was just dumb luck but Estelle's eyes could discern that this was not merely luck. She channeller her mana slowly and scanned the bottle, finding an interesting detail. The bottle had traces of mana all over it.

'Telekinesis?' Estelle wondered. However, such a spell required one to be a 1st circle mage at the very least. Not even the protagonist had that much power at the beginning of the semester. Something was terribly odd about this situation.

"Melina, you wouldn't happen to already be a mage, would you?" Estelle asked, narrowing her eyes.

Melina smirked. "You're right. You must've figured out what I've been doing then… haha…"

"Did you cheat? Melina… it's no fun if you cheat in a sleepover game! No more bottle spinning! Melina ruined it. Humph!" Jade retrieved the bottle from the ground and pouted. She did not expect her roommate to also be so talented but the fact the latter had cheated was more important to her at that moment. She wasn't the type to hold a grudge but Jade was still unhappy about the cheating.

"Sorry, Jade… I was just checking out the top student from the enrolment test. I lost to her by quite a bit. I might be a commoner but I have my pride too."

Estelle was sure of it. Melina was definitely taunting her before. Whether it was a playful taunt or malicious in nature, Estelle was not exactly sure. However, Estelle could feel confidence oozing from the commoner. Could it be that Melina was a cocky brat?

Liandra was having a difficult time analysing the events that had just taken place. Not only did her sister passionately kiss Melina, but Melina was also a mage. A huge wall suddenly formed in her subconscious. Liandra realised how little she was compared to someone that had no noble background. Even a commoner had more talent than her, even a commoner could get her sister to pay attention. She could only frown with jealousy.

"Oh, little sister, do you need a hug?" Estelle gazed soullessly into Liandra's eyes and opened her arms. Her eyes had no emotion to them but her arms implied an invitation that could not be declined.

Liandra caught on to Estelle's sudden invitation, hugging her sister tightly.

"Don't be jealous. Your big sister will always love you." Estelle lightly pecked Liandra on the cheek.

"You sisters are so cute together!" Jade swooned.

"Are all nobles this mushy mushy with their family?" Melina asked.

"Not all of them. We just so happen to have a great sibling relationship. We are inseparable, isn't that right little sister?"

"Yes. Seeing my big sister kissing another girl made me sad." Liandra wanted to cringe so hard. This was all too fake to her. They did not have any sort of warm relationship. It was all lies made by Estelle to sell a perfect image to others.

"Alright alright… I won't do anything funny to your big sister anymore. That was just a one time tease anyway." Melina sighed.

"Anyway, onto the next game. We'll be playing truth or dare. Rules are simple, one person asks truth or dare to another person. They can answer with either truth or dare. Actually I can't be bother explaining anymore… you should all know already. You lose if you reject the truth or dare."