Scam Manual

After feeding Shu Fanrong, Liu Feng put her to sleep on the mattress made of grass and straw.

"Okay, she's asleep. It's time."

Liu Feng opened the Manual Creation tab.

"Create manual..."

Liu Feng browsed the various methods and insights contained in the system shop.

"Let's see here. If I use 50 DP, I'll get 75 back. In total, I'll get a 25 DP profit. If I use all 100 right now, I'll get in total 150 DP back. And this doesn't seem to have a limit, so can't I just continuously make bad manuals? This means that I can afford to be a bit conservative. There's no actual benefit to going all-in at once."

All the thinking made Liu Feng feel like a genius.

He started to buy the ones that cost just 5 to 10 DP.

One of the methods emphasized the importance of breathing in over everything else, while another emphasized breathing out. One told the cultivator to direct the spiritual energy to the lower body, while another said to direct it upwards.

All in all, Liu Feng chose methods that conflicted one another.

"If anyone practiced this, they will definitely fail."

In total, the manual cost 80 DP.

"Erm, the manual's name should be..."

[Ding! Manual "Discordant Tempering Technique" created.]


Discordant Tempering Technique

Grade: ungraded

Characteristics: ungraded


Liu Feng giggled at his cleverness in creating the name.

[Congratulations to the host's quick wit and understanding. Achievement: Creator I (1% discount at the store for all items, 99% discount for one random item each day, an item bought while discounted will not be chosen for discount again)]

"Sweet! A free buff!"

All of a sudden, the cultivation manual flooded into Liu Feng's mind, word by word.

A second later, a trace of confusion surfaced onto his face.

"I don't understand it!"

Even though it went straight into his head, Liu Feng didn't understand a word! He shrugged and wrote everything down on a new notebook overnight.


"Little Rong. It's time to wake up."

Shu Fanrong opened her eyes. The sun peeked through crevices of the wooden hut, touching her skin gently.

"Ah! Master!"

Liu Feng stood beside the bed. Shu Fanrong noticed that he had changed his clothes from a dirty and hole-ridden white robe to an elegant dark robe befitting that of a sect master.

"It's morning. You need to wake up earlier than this every day from now on."

Shu Fanrong felt dejected. She nodded reluctantly.

"Come. I'll officially take you in as my first disciple."


The two headed out of the hut.

"Kowtow five times first."

"Hm? What is, kowtow?"

Liu Feng sighed. He kowtowed in front of Shu Fanrong.

"Like this, see?"

He stood up and swept the dust off his clothes.

Shu Fanrong nodded as she fell on her knees and pressed her head on the ground. After that, she stood up completely, before kneeling and bowing again. She repeated this cycle three more times.

Liu Feng watched dumbfoundedly.

He could only sigh once she finished.

"I now officially accept you as my disciple."

Liu Feng claimed one of the disciple uniforms given to him by the system. In an instant, it materialized right in front of Shu Fanrong's eyes. He recognized the design as the one he had chosen for his own uniform, with a different color palette.

"Wow, master! Where did those clothes come from?"

"It's a fairy power."

"Will you teach me how to do that?"

"This is tied to my bloodline. I'm sorry, little disciple, but I can't teach you this."

Liu Feng handed over her clothes while she was pouting.

After she changed, Liu Feng was surprised. It was exactly the right size.

"Okay, it's time for you to start your cultivation."

The depression on her face disappeared as she heard that she was starting her journey on becoming a fairy.

"Here is your cultivation manual. I made it last night, after taking a look at your constitution. Don't worry if you don't succeed immediately. Some of the strongest fairies practiced for months to even step into the cusp of the first realm."

"Thank you for the advice, master! I won't let you down!"

She quickly bowed as she took the manual.

Liu Feng felt sorry. He was setting her up for failure.

"She should be fine... She's still just a mortal. The adverse effects shouldn't be too harmful."

Once the adverse effect triggered, Liu Feng would be able to claim his 80 DP back plus an additional 40 more.

After that, he would make a proper manual for Shu Fanrong. He even thought of an excuse already.

"It seems you're not ready to grasp the meaning behind this cultivation manual. Let me replace it with this more basic one."

Liu Feng grinned to himself. What a genius reason! It was vague enough that even he would have no choice but to accept it.


Since Liu Feng stayed up all night writing the manual word for word, he couldn't get any sleep. After giving the manual to Shu Fanrong, he watched for a while before going inside to get some shut-eye.

When he woke up, the sun was already dipping down the horizon.

Despite that, Shu Fanrong was still persevering. Countless beads of sweat ran down her face, but she chose to continue.

She had read the entire manual front to back multiple times at this point, trying to understand the concept.

Liu Feng giggled. "If even I, the creator, can't comprehend the manual myself, how can a 12 year old little girl ever be able to?"

All of a sudden, he heard coughing coming from Shu Fanrong's direction.

"Little Rong!"

He quickly headed over to Shu Fanrong, who collapsed on the ground, coughing into her palm.

Liu Feng helped her up as she continued coughing. He peeked into her palm and found a black oil-like substance.

"This... she should have failed, right?"

Just the thought of getting 40 more DP made Liu Feng drool. He could continue the cycle until he was a millionaire!

By that point, restoring the Great Order Sect would be as easy as pie.

All of a sudden, Shu Fanrong fainted.

Liu Feng panicked as the little girl fell into his arms. He had no choice but to put aside his greed for now and carry her onto the bed.

[Ding! The system determined that Disciple Shu Fanrong's constitution has been altered. Adjusting attributes...]

Liu Feng looked at this notification in confusion.


What do you mean, altered constitution?

He hurriedly opened the Disciple Interface tab.


Name: Shu Fanrong

Bone Age: 12

Level: 1

Realm: Spiritual Awareness Realm

Number of Spiritual Roots: 1

Spirit Root Attribute: Frostfire

Talent: 89


"What?! She broke through? Using my crappy manual?"