The Fear of All Women

Wen Yingyu hurriedly pulled her husband away as she slightly bowed towards Liu Feng to say goodbye.

The onlookers of the incident were bewildered. What just happened? Wasn't he the one that took your daughter? Why are you not sending him to hell and back?

On the other hand, Liu Feng felt like he had completed his mission for today. He decided to head back to his hut and sleep.

In a not so far inn, a black robed person quickly drank all of his water and stood up.

"It's him."

Jing Hei recognized Liu Feng. Back when he was checking the state of the barrier, he noticed someone spying on him from the inside. At that time, Jing Hei was shocked.

How can anyone still be alive?

Although Liu Feng's cultivation was undetectable because of the barrier, his face could clearly be seen as Jing Hei imprinted it into his mind.

He didn't expect to chance upon the one spying on him so soon! And with such a low cultivation too!

Liu Feng remained unaware as a black robed figure followed behind him.

He thoughtlessly whistled as he strolled through the forest, while the black robed figure went from tree to tree about half a mile away from him.

Whether he could see Liu Feng or not, it did not matter to Jing Hei. After all, with his cultivation, an ordinary first realm cultivator wouldn't be able to hide themselves no matter how hard they tried.

An hour later...

"That guy, he finally arrived at the barrier."

Jing Hei watched with exasperation as Liu Feng approached the barrier. The latter went around the forest like he was lost, zigzagging and doing u-turns left and right.

He barely restrained the urge to show himself and help Liu Feng out.

In the end, Liu Feng chose the most treacherous and steepest place to enter the barrier, right beside a ravine. The path was like a parkour level in a platforming game, riddled with holes and spiked rocks at the bottom. Even the black robed figure felt worried for him.

Instead, Liu Feng made it look easy, jumping from rock to rock before landing right in front of the barrier, the massive crevice in the earth right behind him.

As Liu Feng approached the barrier, he looked left and right before pulling on what seemed to be an invisible doorknob. He then entered and closed the door behind him. Throughout all of this, there were no visible changes on the barrier.

"My guess was right, he can leave and enter as he pleases. But, there is no way a low level cultivator like him assumed control of such a large array. That place must be one of the secret entrances so that lower levels like him can access the sect."

Jing Hei also thought Liu Feng's clothing peculiar. He recalled that the Great Order Sect members also wore the same kind of uniform set of robes.

"Since that guy opened something like a door in the barrier, there must be a key. It should be related to their clothing."

Feeling like he had harvested a great amount of information, Jing Hei hurried back to the village to formulate a new plan.

During the past three months, Jing Hei had been sent by his sect to live in Kaojin Village to monitor the barrier's state every so often.

Life in this village was uneventful, so he abandoned his post to go to the nearest city's red light district from time to time.

The first time Liu Feng visited the village coincided with Jing Hei's frivolous activities in another city. That was why he didn't know about Liu Feng up until he arrived back at the village and heard some gossip about a vagabond abducting a child.

"I overheard him say that he's gonna go out again tomorrow. This is an opportunity—I need to take his clothes. Whether I need it or not to enter through the secret entrance, it never hurts to be sure."

Meanwhile, inside the barrier.

Liu Feng breathed heavily.

He didn't know that being stalked was that scary! Especially by someone he knew was way stronger than him!

Right now, he sympathized with all women around the world.

"Luckily, the system notified me."

[Ding! Alert: A cultivator of unknown origin is approaching the sect barrier. Host, please take caution.]

When he saw the message, Liu Feng almost jumped.

Right as he approached the five mile radius around the barrier, this notification popped up as well. If not for the timing, he would have been uncertain as to whether the cultivator of unknown origin was following him or not.

On the spot, Liu Feng decided to stroll around the forest aimlessly. He hoped to make his stalker lose track of him, but he was smart enough to know that this was a fruitless endeavor.

Instead, he pined for the next best outcome—tricking his stalker.

Most likely, this was the same guy that he saw last time, checking the barrier out. Even if Liu Feng turned out to be wrong, it didn't hurt to be cautious.

While cleaning up the sect and burying all of the corpses, Liu Feng had found a place where the barrier ended right on the edge of a ravine. He made that place his destination for now.

As he jumped from rock to rock, Liu Feng arrived before the barrier, careful not to fall off the ledge. He mimed a door opening action as he passed through the barrier, giving an extra layer of confusion to the stalker.

He could only catch his breath once he arrived at his wooden hut.

"Since that guy saw and followed me, he'll surely confront me the next time I go out. I need to ready myself."

Glancing at Shu Fanrong, who had already used up an entire Quarter-Pure Spirit Stone and was halfway through on her second one, Liu Feng shook his head. The plan to bring Shu Fanrong to meet her parents was delayed for now.

He needed to make preparations.