....John started explaining his story.He wants become a scientist in his future.So,he works on it since his childhood.His main goal is,because

of him.others must be happy.He helps all people in their needs.He wants to sacrifice his life to the people.Moreover,he likes time travel concepts

alot.He done alot of research on time machine,parallel universe. Finally,he got success in his lif and become a famous scientist.He wants to do

something new which helps to all people.He is working on it.One day,John is suffering from high cold so he is using mask all over the day. While

he was returning home after completing his work, one of the stranger came from time machine and released some kind of gas into air and he took

Gun from his pocket and aimed his head and he died. John shocked alot after looking at the incident.Then, he observed that person died and he took

Time machine and read all the manual and bring it to his house.As the time is moving on,John heard that the virus has spread all over the world &

all people are dieing.Scientists observed that, this virus effects the lungs within hours and the person dies in less than 6 hours.And moreover,

scientists come to know that there is no cure for this virus.John come to know that this is because of that unknown person. So, he decided to use

TM to go future for cure of this virus. He went one year later,and he observed there is no person living on earth. All are died due to virus. So,

Alex wants to stop this.So, he decided to change the past by stopping that unknown person by not releasing the virus. So he used the time machine

and travelled back and tried to stop that person by not releasing the virus. But unexpectedly,another time machine opened and one more person came

from TM and released virus and JOhn did not understood what is happening! So, he wamts to change the past again.So, he stopped of them by not

releasing virus but no use.Another person came from TM, and released virus and took gun from his pocket and aimmed his head and he died.John comes

to know that there is no use of stopping the people who are coming from TM.And moreover they are differnt people.So,he thinks, it should stop from

the place where it is starting. But John have 5 questions in his mind.






John decided to get help from some other people.So, he lisened the story of Alex(who succesfully solved the James diamond case).He wants to meet

him and explained the situation and solve the case.So,he came past but there is no Alex in the past.He observed from the starting from the Diamond

and he observed that he is using time machine for solving cases and he went to another universe(PARALLEL UNIVERSE) for solving the case.So,John

found that in his Time machine also, there is an option for going to parallel world.So, he used and followed the PA and FA.And he needs their help

so he planned to bring Alexa to his present with their TM.He writes clue letter for bringing 3 of them to JOHN present timeline.JOHN TELL THIS

TOTAL STORY TO ALEXA,PA,FA,JACK.So,4 of them decided to help John. But suddenly,PA observes that FA is not feeling well.John comes to know,FA eff-

ected by virus.As there is no cure,all of them comes to know that FA is going to die.All felt so sad about FA and FA tells that All the best for

you all.Due to virus attack FA dies....ALEXA,JACK,JOHN,PA CRIES ALOT ABOUT FA.((NOW ONWARDS PA NAME IS ALEX))...

4 of them,started solving the new Case.... Then, Alexa got an idea about this case. i.e ...((TO BE CONTINUED))..