WebNovelBlood Sea75.00%


"I hate it here," Leilah murmured to herself, her thoughts heavy with sorrow. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and she looked utterly exhausted. With a weary sigh, she sat up, resting her head on her tail as she rubbed her temples, trying to soothe the tension building inside her.

"She never even tries to understand me," Leilah groaned in frustration, her voice trembling. "What kind of mother just brushes off her daughter without a second thought?"

The young mermaid's mind raced, her thoughts spiraling in endless loops of hurt and confusion until, eventually, sleep claimed her. But even in sleep, her rest was fitful and filled with troubled dreams. When Leilah awoke the next morning, the hopelessness that had gripped her the night before had eased slightly. Her eyes were clear, and her heart had calmed.

Determined to shake off the lingering sadness, Leilah sprang out of bed and dashed to her dresser. She pulled out a delicate purple wrap and tied it around her waist with a blue ribbon. After a quick glance in the mirror, she slipped out of her room and swam through the palace corridors.

Outside, the waters of the bay were warm and clear, a stark contrast to the stormy sea from the day before. Leilah joined the swarms of young mermaids who were already frolicking in the gentle waves. They laughed and splashed, their playful energy infectious. Leilah dove deep into the water, staying under for several seconds before surfacing, feeling the tension in her body melt away. The sight of the sunrise, with its soft golden hues spreading across the horizon, filled her with a sense of peace.

"The sea after a storm really is the best, isn't it?" a familiar voice called out. Leilah turned to see Leone, the most sought-after bachelor in her generation, swimming toward her. His golden hair sparkled in the sunlight, and his eyes, a warm amber, glinted with mischief.

Sunlight danced off his tan skin as water streamed down his muscular body. Leone was the very picture of a charming rogue, his tail a deep amber with hints of red and gold, a rare and beautiful combination for a merman. His features were a perfect blend of masculine strength and delicate beauty, making it hard for anyone to resist his charms.

"What are you doing out here?" Leone asked, a playful smirk on his lips. "The girls usually spend the mornings sunbathing, and the afternoons with the boys. Unless, of course, they decide to spend the afternoon with me…"

Leilah rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Not all girls are the same, Leone."

He swam closer, his eyes roving over her form. "That's true, princess," he murmured, his voice low and teasing. "I haven't seen anyone quite like you." His gaze lingered on her chest before trailing down to her waist, a look of appreciation in his eyes.

Leilah fought the urge to slap him with her tail, annoyed by his blatant ogling. "I'm waiting for someone," she said with a pout. "He's supposed to meet me out here any minute now."

Leone's playful expression faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered, a smirk playing on his lips. "Liar," he muttered under his breath. Before Leilah could react, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to his chest. Her heart raced as she found herself pressed against him, caught off guard by the sudden intimacy.

"What am I doing?" Leilah thought, her heart pounding. Once again, she had allowed herself to be swept up by his charm, even though she knew better. She looked up at him with her blue-green eyes, water droplets clinging to her lashes.

Leone smiled down at her, his fingers brushing against the straps of her top. "You should be more careful," he said softly, his voice taking on a gentle tone. "They were about to slip off." He lifted her by the waist, spinning her around in the water, the sunlight casting a warm glow on her soft skin as they twirled.

Then, without warning, Leone pressed his lips to hers. Leilah was surprised by the softness of his kiss, so different from the roughness she expected. His lips moved against hers with a tenderness that sent shivers down her spine. His hands roamed from her waist to her hips, igniting a fire within her.

For a brief moment, Leilah allowed herself to enjoy the kiss, but then she shoved him away, frustration bubbling up inside her. "Damn it, I did it again," she thought, cursing herself for falling for his tricks once more. This wasn't the first time she had been drawn in by Leone's charms, only to regret it later. They had dated in the past, but his flippant nature and constant flirtations with other girls had driven them apart.

Leilah knew Leone was nothing more than a pretty face, a shallow narcissist who couldn't be trusted. She pulled away from him, her anger rising. "We can't be seen out here like this. Someone might catch us," she said, trying to regain her composure.

For a moment, Leone looked genuinely pained, but the mask of the playboy quickly returned to his face. "I don't think anyone would mind us being out here for a bit longer…" he winked, clearly enjoying the game.

"Now come with me, I'll take you to see the others," Leone said, as if nothing had happened between them. He acted as though their past relationship and all the hurtful things he had done didn't matter, as if he hadn't shattered her heart by refusing to commit to her when they were together.

As they swam back to the beach, Leilah felt a sinking sensation in her chest. The group of mermaids and mermen were lounging around, laughing and enjoying the sunshine. As they noticed the pair approaching, a few of the males started cheering and making crude comments, their eyes twinkling with mischief.

"What are you waiting for, Leone? Take her!" one of the mermen called out, pumping his fist in the air. Leilah flipped him off without hesitation, causing a wave of laughter to ripple through the group.

Leone chuckled and led Leilah to a large rock overlooking the water. "You see that rock there?" he asked, gesturing to it.

"Yeah, but Leone, I'm not even supposed to be above the surface," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"You can do whatever you want," he said confidently, sitting her on the rock. Leilah looked around at the other mermaids and mermen, her heart sinking as she realized something was missing. She was surrounded by friends, by beauty, but still, she felt a deep emptiness inside.

As the realization washed over her, Leilah's heart ached. She was still trapped in her mother's watery kingdom, unable to break free and find her own path. She had never been able to save herself, never truly lived on her own terms.

Leone noticed her change in demeanor and frowned. "What's wrong, baby? I thought you loved being on the surface."

"I do, but… I feel empty inside," Leilah admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to be free. I want to live on land, away from all of this."

Leone's face twisted in disgust. "Land? Why the hell would you want to live there?"

Leilah shook her head, her frustration mounting. "Of course, I want to leave the water. I've been trapped here all my life. I've never experienced true freedom."

Leone stared at her, incredulous. "Leilah, that's insane. You're a mermaid, born to rule the seas. Why would you ever want to give that up?"

But Leilah wasn't listening. She was lost in her own thoughts, overwhelmed by the realization that she had been yearning for something more, something she had been too afraid to pursue. A slow-burning anger began to rise within her, not towards Leone or her mother, but towards herself for being so afraid, so passive.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to find the courage to voice her feelings. "I… I can't…" she started, her voice breaking.

Leone, seeing her distress, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "What do you mean, baby? You can do it. You have the strength of a hundred warriors inside you. If you just use that energy to free yourself, you can do it."

Leilah wiped her tears, looking up at him, her face streaked with sorrow. "How?"

Leone sighed, his expression softening. "Stop fearing your mother for one. Even if you make it to land, you'll never be free unless you confront her."

"I can't," Leilah whispered, the fear evident in her voice.

"Listen to me, Leilah," Leone said firmly, his tone unwavering. "You are a fierce warrior. You can do this."

But Leilah shook her head, pulling away from him. "No, I can't."

"Baby, you can," Leone insisted, his voice filled with conviction. "And I'm going to help you, but you won't make it out of here without some serious endurance."

"We broke up, Leone. Why help me?" Leilah asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"Because I love you," he said simply, his eyes searching hers.

Leilah's heart ached at his words, but she knew they weren't true. "I'm sorry, I don't love you, not anymore. You've changed, Leone. You've become shallow and self-serving. And besides, you have a new girlfriend."

Leone pulled her close again, his voice trembling slightly, "I still care".

"No, you don't."

Leone let go of Leilah, and she leaned back on the rock. He looked at the others and saw that they were ignoring them. The merman then turned back to the princess and sighed, "Okay, think whatever you want. It's all about you and how you feel, right?" Leone got up with a scowl on his face and swam away.

Leilah looked at the group of mermaids. In the distance, she could hear the ocean waves crashing against the shoreline. The sun was bright and warm. Leilah took a few deep breaths and tried to calm her racing heart. She looked down at her tail.

She had to make a choice. Either she could live out the rest of her days in this world under the sea, or she could take her chances on the surface. It was her choice. Leone was right, she wouldn't feel whole without embracing life on land.

It was time for her to choose.

Leilah watched as Leone swam away, his figure growing smaller until it blended with the others in the distance. Her heart felt heavy, weighed down by the decision she knew she had to make. The gentle crash of the ocean waves against the shoreline seemed to echo the turmoil within her. The sun was warm on her skin, but it offered little comfort as her thoughts churned.

She looked down at her tail, the shimmering scales catching the light in a way that had always made her feel proud of her heritage. But now, that same tail felt like a chain, binding her to a world she no longer felt at home in. The sea had always been her sanctuary, but it was also a prison, one she had outgrown.

Leilah took a deep breath, trying to steady the conflicting emotions inside her. She had to make a choice—a choice that would define the rest of her life. She could remain in the sea, in the safety of the world she had always known, or she could venture into the unknown, to the land she had only ever dreamed about. The thought of leaving behind everything she knew filled her with fear, but the idea of staying filled her with a deeper, more suffocating dread.

Leone's words echoed in her mind. Stop fearing your mother. You'll never be free unless you confront her.

Leilah knew he was right, but that didn't make the decision any easier. Her mother had always been a looming presence in her life, a force of nature that shaped her every move. The thought of defying her mother, of breaking free from the life that had been laid out for her, was terrifying. But it was also exhilarating.

She imagined what it would be like to walk on land, to feel the earth beneath her feet, to experience life in a world where she could be anyone she wanted to be. A world where she wasn't just a princess or a daughter, but simply Leilah. The idea filled her with a sense of possibility, of freedom.

But there was no guarantee that the land would welcome her. She could fail. She could be rejected. She could lose everything she had ever known. Yet, despite all the risks, the pull of the unknown was too strong to resist. It was time for her to stop hiding, to stop being afraid of what might happen.

Leilah closed her eyes, letting the sounds of the ocean soothe her for a moment longer. When she opened them, her decision was made. She wasn't going to spend the rest of her life wondering what if. She was going to take the leap, no matter the cost.

She looked out at the horizon, where the sky met the sea, and felt a surge of determination. It was time to confront her mother, to tell her that she was leaving. It was time to embrace her destiny, to seek the life she had always yearned for. Leilah knew it wouldn't be easy, but for the first time in her life, she felt a sense of purpose, of control over her own fate.

With one last glance at the world she had always known, Leilah turned away from the shore and swam toward the palace, her heart set on the path ahead. She was ready to choose her own future, to find out what lay beyond the waves. It was time to take her chances on the surface, and no one—not even her mother—was going to stop her.