
Red, silky, long hair, birthmarks of two stars behind her ankles, and eye's that shined like gold when hit by the sun.


[Alyssa,Yssa ]:What?!

[Alyssa]:well.. hmm.. we'll talk about that later, lets cure her mother first.

"Right-- sorry almost forgot, it just surprised me seeing her, here and still a cute little kid"

Yssa picked the kid out, to carry since she assumed the child must be tired, well.. (she got nothin to be tired of she got almost unlimited stamina to cause chaos all over-).

"well it is to say, she's still a child right now so i guess..."

We arrived at the home Leone leaded us to in the table near the window was where her fathers corpse was placed.

"the child must have carried, her own fathers corpse all on her own"

Yssa patted Leone and left the room to comfort her, that everything would be alright, and she'll see her mom good and healthy.

Alyssa started to treat the mother and noticed something "it's no sickness, it's just green energy, she must've eaten some veggies that has potential of Evolution"

"then could you cure?"

[Alyssa]:Of course just leave it up to me!

Alyssa Started curing her and also helped her awaken to be a plant type ability, the Lady woked up and thanked us three we left them some food for the two to eat, and Leone's mother helped us clear one house for us to stay in.

we cleaned all the blood and burried the bodies, we also made a proper burriel for her father, Leone cried and knelt to us saying thank you again and again, so did her mother.

it surprised us, and we weren't comfortable with them kneeling so as a thanks, instead we made a feast, we made a camp fire and made stew.

I was just peacefully sitting down and watching the starry sky, suddenly Leone's mother sat right next to me.

(???):i could not introduce myself at a right timing so i'll do so now, i'm Martha, im glad fate brought us upon.

"Im Val, and the other two are Alyssa, and Yssa, it was thanks to Leone that we met"

[Martha] that so, well then im also thankful to my cute daughter.. but may i ask?

*hmm?.. sure why not"

[Martha]: will you be leaving soon?..

"i.. don't know..."

[Yssa]:why don't we make this our base?


[Alyssa]:Yes!! i had my star investigated this place so were Yssa's stars there's a rare crystal core just right underneath this village and its massive, this core attracts energy that's why it's a good cultivating place!"

[Yssa]:why don't we make this place mysterious and make it a clan?"

[Alyssa]:Yes yes yes!!

"gee, sigh's** well i don't think we're leaving anytime soon- but would that be okay?"

[Martha]:Hahaha it's okay it's only the two of us left here, we don't mind following~ i'm quite interested actually.

everyone started to plan their idea's, but i went back to the house and climb through the roof top, although it was a past habit of mine sleeping to roofs it's still right by me in this life, as i was about to sleep i heard climbing, i took a look at the sides, and it was Leone tryna climb up.

[Leone]:uhm- ah.. help?..(´-﹏-`;)


i helped her right up, and sat down back to where my spot was.

"why are you here? don't you wanna plan with them?"

[Leone]:well, not really i just came by to ask you something~

"and what's that?"

[Leone]:i think i remember you saying something about me? will i really become like that one day?

I layed down and looked back to the sky, and it was beautiful.

"one thing i could tell you is "no" you will not be like you were, back then, you were like that because you lost someone, but now you didn't " (well- you did lost a father-)

[Leone]:well... that's true.

She layed beside me to sleep, i carried her back to her room and quietly gaurded the area.

It's now morning and they're starting to strengthen the village, Yssa is using her Crafting skills and martha's power to control wood, they build modified the walls and made many experiments to have the strongest walls.

Alyssa plans to put poison mist to surround the area leading to the village a poison that could kill and create illusion.


[Alyssa]: oh while we, we're in the dimension back them we took a look arround the house and it was full of stuffs so we took it~ there's also a ring to control zombies so long and their not king of zombies it controllable~~~"

"well i really never checked properly hmm... but i do remember having a lot of treasure"

[Yssa]: leave some treasure to this village too, to make it a legendary one.

"Sigh's** ya'll be really living your manga life"

[Alyssa]: you gotta have some fun too~ might be doomsday for others, but for us its fantasy~

[Yssa]: so... uh The clothse... Alyssa designed--( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )


"that's it, i'm designing the clothse!!"


And we did a few twist and turn, and our dream village is officially done.

[Yssa]:no whe're not done, the name, whats gonna be the village name, and what do we call ouserlf's.


Yssa shoved a bread straight to Alyssa mought, she knew it's gonna be something weired, All three of us gave Yssa a thumbs up for shoving her mouth.

"nice one!"



[Martha]:The Celestial Village... what do you think?

[Alyssa, Yssa]:That sounds so magical and mysterious i like it!!

"Well then from now on, we people call ourself's"