
"Are you sure he is in here?" a man asked.

A handsome man looks down at his phone then back up at the building in front of the group. "Absolutely, the GPS tracker says so."

"Is it really okay that we put a tracker in Jack's phone?" the final man asked.

"Last time he disappeared it took 4 days to track him down. Do you remember how many bars we had to search? This bastard only knows how to bar crawl these days…" said the handsome man.

This man was the heir to the Manson Group. A powerful and influential family that controls 70% of all broadcast media and now owns several of the top streaming platforms. Even Wisney fell into their grasp.

The first man looked down and bit his lip in sadness. "Everything changed when he was expelled from the dojo. Master Bell was furious."

The sad fellow is one of the drunkard's best friends, Karl. He grew up in the slums. However, his family still wanted the best for him so his mother, father, and even his big brother worked their butts off to earn enough money to send him to university where he met this rag-tag group of friends.

"I know you feel like you were the cause of his expulsion but in the end, it was him who lost control that night we went drinking to celebrate our graduation. He used to be so calm and composed but he lost it when your old bullies wanted to hurt you."

The final man was Thomas. He wasn't rich like Hary Manson but didn't grow up poor like Karl. He came from an average middle-class family. The only thing he had going for him was being an only child. His parents doted on him dearly. They helped co-sign his expensive student loans. Granger University is one of the top schools after all.

Hary thought back to when we first met Jack. "Didn't he look nuts when he was asking out Lily?"

"Of course! While isn't exactly bad-looking he is only a little bit handsome. Lily was at the top of our year's beauty list. He got friend-zoned in the end!." Karl recalled.

"Haha right! He was shot down almost instantly. He didn't get mad or angry but instead called us out for watching. He made us buy drinks that night!" Thomas chuckled.

Hary smiled, "He brought us all together that day and we've been friends ever since. We need to get him out of his slump. We are forcing him to play Boundless Fate. I'll drag him to the studio if I have to!"

The group walked to the entrance of a hole-in-the-wall bar. Once they entered they looked around. There were people laughing, cheering, and a large amount of slurred curses flying around.

At the far side of the bar, there was a young man laughing and joking around with the female bartender. She didn't show any signs of displeasure but instead seemed to be enjoying Jack's drunken stories. She would laugh from time to time.

The three approached Jack and Hary wrapped his arms around his friend's neck. "Sorry miss, has my friend bothered you?"

The lovely girl gave a gentle laugh, "Not at all. He is quite funny and unlike some of my other customers, he doesn't show lust or other disgusting looks towards me. For a drunk, he is rather well-behaved. He has quite an imagination, his joke about being a top martial artist was quite funny."

Hary smirked, "Miss, has he given his name?"

The young lady fell into thought, "Actually no he has not. Is he actually an important person?"

"His name is Jack Jackson," he replied.

The woman's eyes widened, "THE Jack Jackson? The person who was expelled from his dojo and forbidden to practice martial arts?"

By this point, Jack had passed out and his body was flopped down onto the bar top.

Karl had a pained expression, "Sadly yes, it was all my fault. If he wasn't defending me he would still be that great man that he once was."

Thomas tried to make a joke to lighten the mood, "Haha, now is his this incredible fatty! He traded in his fists for ale, beer, and wine! Just like back then no one could defeat him in hand-to-hand combat but this time it is drinking!"

His joke half worked and Hary coughed to clear up the awkwardness. "We will be taking our friend back now. He needs to prepare to play Boundless Fate."

The young lady nodded, "If you would, tell him to add 'Little Ale' to his friend's list. I will also be playing when I get the time."

They all agreed and gave their goodbyes. They slowly carried the Little Fatty back to their studio. They would trap him in the building until he agreed to play the game with them.

After much effort, they managed to get him to the car, and finally into his bedroom. They tossed him onto this bed and prepared for the morning. It might be a difficult battle.

* Groan *

Jack finally woke up. It was almost noon.

"Ahh… My head, it's killing me." He looked around, turned out he was in his bedroom. "They must have carried me home." He was deep in thought, isn't today the launch of Boundless Fate?

"I'm sure those blockheads will try to force me to play with them. Good thing I did some preparation. This won't turn out how they thought it would be.

Jack slowly made his way to the kitchen, once he got there he grabbed several items from around the area and grabbed some food from the kitchen.

He sat down and prepared his usual hangover cure. After a lot of research and testing he found what works best for him, salted watermelon and a liter of sugar water.

The sugar water was both to hydrate him and fix the low blood sugar caused by drinking. The salted watermelon also helped a bunch. The salt helped boost electrolytes and the watermelon was high in potassium, so much so it beats out bananas.

After he finished his breakfast he was already feeling much better. The launch didn't start till 8 p.m as it is a game that the average person would play while they are sleeping due to the advanced technology.

Jack did his research and already knew that Hary secretly bought four of the best game pods. Jack internally scoffed. The money-grubbing company locked their game to only work with their quote-unquote 'special and unique' gaming pod. After looking through the specs and data he had people dig up it was just a little bit better than the average pod.

Jack got tired of the usual nutrition packs, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah that all those fancy gaming pods offered.

He sighed, knowing Hary he bought the best of everything. "He is a blockhead," he whispered under his breath. "There are still a few hours left until launch, I am surprised those three blockheads haven't started harassing me about playing. Oh well, I'm going to work out now."

Jack walked through the studio until he got to the gym. It was state of the art due to Hary's obsession with shopping. He had more clothes and shoes than most women…

He found a spot to stretch and after 20 minutes of warm-up stretches, he proceeded to run laps around the track.

After running a 5K he stopped and went towards the workout machines. After another 40 minutes of strength training, he changed into his bathing suit and swam laps in the pool. He finished his workout with another 20 minutes of stretching and yoga.

While he was a Fatty on the outside, he was actually very strong. Just because he had to stop practicing his martial arts didn't mean he would stop his general training. The fat on his body was purely front drinking every day and night. The fat hid his otherwise pronounced muscles.

'People underestimate the overweight, just look at sumo wrestlers. They are very strong despite their weight.' he thought to himself.

He took a shower and put on his comfortable clothes then walked to the living room to watch tv. Sure enough, almost every channel was about Boundless Fate.

He noticed that Hary and the others had walked into the room. "Hary, could you tell your old man that oversaturation is bad for business. He could at least leave some cartoons airing for the kids."

Hary smirked, "Even kids want to play Boundless Fate, it caters to all kinds and ages. There is something to do for everyone. It isn't all about combat and fighting, you know."

Jack waved his hands, "Yeah, yeah." he said.

His three friends have slight frowns on their faces, "Jack, are you really not going to play the game with us? You didn't play God's Tale with us all those years ago. You promised you'd play the next one." one of them said.

"Not play? Who said that? I'll knock them into next week, Whos says Jack Jackson doesn't keep his promises!" Jack said while standing up and hitting his chest once in displeasure.

His friends were briefly shocked wordless. "When did you decide that you were going to play?" asked Thomas.

"Duh, when you guys announced that you would play." mocked Jack.

"You b*stard!" yelled Karl. He started to chase after Jack, who had started running. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

Jack was laughing so much his fat was jiggling. "I wanted to mess with you guys! I know how much you planned in order to trap me in the house! I love watching you guys take an L with your finances after all!"

Karl got winded and gave us. 'Geez how is this Fatty so fast…' he thought to himself.

The other two caught up, "Should we give you a rundown of the game?" asked Hary.

"Run down? Nah. The game is all over the media thanks to your Manson Group beating the topic like a dead horse." Jack teased.

Hary laughed, "Fine! Let's eat then finish getting ready for the launch!"

Everyone agreed and the day went on. Shortly before the game was launched they all entered their respective game pods.

"Sheesh Hary, how much did you spend on these hunks of metal?" complained Jack. He sometimes found Hary's spending habits annoying. Who needs a 15 million dollar gaming studio for only four people?

"Don't worry about it! Log in before it is too late!"

Jack logged in and was greeted with an annoying amount of bells, beeps, and digs.

Jack clicked his tongue, "Does everything need to be so dramatic?"

A formless voice boomed out, "Greetings to the Boundless Fate, where you control your own fate. You must use your own power to grow and create a legacy!"

Jack just looked around, he wasn't too interested in listening to someone who won't even show themselves.

"You look like you don't want to be here young adventurer, if that is the case, why have you come?" the voice questioned.

"I don't like it when the wizard hides behind the curtains. Could you please come out when you talk to me?" Jack asked half annoyed and half sincere.

"Interesting, I'll allow you to see me. You appear different than most heroes. A very small amount of your peers asked to see my appearance."

An elderly man with gray hair and a gray beard magically appeared in front of Jack.

"Since this young hero is early would you like a rundown of some choices you can make to begin your journey?"

Jack figured the old man was asking him if he wanted to hear about the classes every player would get to pick from. "It would be an honor to hear them from you."

The old man smiled see Jack buttering up to him. "Very well. Before we begin, what should I call you?"

"Hmm…" Jack hadn't thought too much about his character name. "Are there bars or taverns on this world?"

The old man was caught off guard. With a great laugh, he answered Jack's question. "Naturally! Who doesn't enjoy a drink every now and then? Those who take up brewing as their profession can make money comparable to alchemist if they learn the art of medial brewing!"

The old man noticed Jack's face… 'Ops I said too much." he thought to himself.

"If that is the cast, call me Intoxicated," said Jack while smiling.

"Oh? A fan of drinking are we?"

Jack chuckled, "Depending on how the alcohol tastes in this world I might end up spending my whole time in the taverns!"

"Then you have picked a fitting name!" the old man let out a loud laugh. "Since you amused me I'll tell you my name. You better remember it well; the number of people who know my true name is countable on two hands. The name of this ancient one is Dionysus!"

Jack cracked a smile, 'I guess we are fated.'

"An interesting name. I'll remember it!" he said with great confidence.

The old man got serious, "Okay, let's move on to the task on hand. Which of the following classes would you like to be?"

He rattled off the class listing. Mage, Ranger, Assassin, Knight, Swordsman, Brawler, Priest / Priestess.

Jack had to think. In reality, he didn't really need to think about it. He knew instantly what he wanted to pick but would it be okay?

'Shrew that old man, this isn't the real world anyway! I might as well choose something I'm good at!' Jack cleared his doubt.

"I want to be a Brawler!"

The old man laughed again, "Fitting for someone who likes to drink! Don't get into too many bar fights! Goodbye young man"

A flash happened right after the old man finished talking.

Opening his eyes Jack found himself in a medium-sized village. He noticed a few notifications

* Ding * Player has been sent to Starter Village 245… Detecting change…

* Ding * Player has been sent to Novice Village number 42.

* Ding * It appears that someone powerful is looking after you.

* Ding * Player's starting inventory has been altered. Please advise.

After the long list of notifications, Jack had cracked a smile. 'Isn't this a little much, didn't I just make that old man laugh a few times?'

Jack looked at his inventory and his smirk grew larger, "I hope I don't get reported for hacking…"

– Inventory –

Starter Armor

Starter Fist Weapon

Rank E Skill Book - Boxing

Silver Coins - 10

From what he read online the basic inventory was supposed to be just starter gear and 10 copper coins…

Instead, he has what is equivalent to a thousand copper coins and a skill book. Players were supposed to get their first skills by talking to a Class Instructor.

Jack sighed and went on his way. He looked at the village map and made his way to the Brawler Class Instructor.

"Greetings Sir, Could you teach me about the Brawler class?" Jack asked the Instructor.

The man looked at Jack and frowned. "How the hell did a weakling like you get to this village? A magical force keeps anyone under level 10 from reaching here."

Jack saw that he was nearly being interrogated by a fierce-looking Brawler. He had to get himself out of the situation, "I don't know sir. I was ushered into the world by a strange voice. A bright light filled my vision and then I found myself in the village center. I really don't know how or why I was sent here."

The Instructor scrutinized Jack's story. It appeared to be the truth. "Very well. Unfortunately for you, I don't teach anyone under level 10. It would simply be unfair to other Heros who appear in the world. Your foundation would be more than 10 times stronger than your peers."

Jack's eyes almost let up. That would be a great boon. "Sir, wouldn't that be a good thing in the long run? A strong Hero could help the world solve its issues!"

The man eyed up Jack once again. He appears to be thinking. "I guess you aren't wrong. Fine but I won't do it for free. I'll charge you 10 silver coins to teach you."

Jack's face turned a little sour and he screamed internally. 'What the hell? A whole 10 silver! You might as well rob a bank! I have it and want the power but I'd be penniless!'

The man saw his pained expression, "What you don't have the money? Fine, I'll keep it on the table. Once you have enough money return to me and I'll teach you. There should be enough things to do around the city for you to earn that money in a few months! Now begone! I have a class starting soon."

The man walked back to the combat field. He turned around and yelled to Jack, "The name is Ryder, don't tell anyone our deal. It will be capital punishment if anyone finds out you plan on bribing an Instructor!"

Ryder bellowed out laughter as he walked away. Jack had black lines plastered across his forehead. 'Who is bribing you! Your mother! You are extorting me you b*stered!'

Jack could only sigh and look around the village. He wasn't able to find a single quest to take. All the villages looked down at him since he wasn't level 10.

Jack looked up to the sky, 'Damn you, Dionysus! I refuse to waste my money. I know well that I'd be doomed if I can't buy any equipment or supplies. Hell, even if I finish unlocking my class I wouldn't be able to kill anything and the villages still won't give me any quests.'

He thought for a few minutes, 'Well that explains why he gave me a skill book…'

Jack walked aimlessly around the village and found himself in front of a bar. "Am I really going to drown my sorrows with alcohol again?" He strode into the bar and had a seat at the bar.

He looked up at the menu then called the bartender. "Barkeep! Two drafts of your Dark Stout!"

Jack downed the stouts and called out for another one.

"Pay or start a tab." The bartender was untrusting of Jack.

Jack looked up and took a silver coin out of his inventory. "Give me 50 copper as change."

Seeing that Jack was starting a tab the man smiled. He returned 50 copper to Jack and poured another draft.

Jack returned to his old habits. It looked fitting for him. He chose not to change his body or any other of his looks while creating his avatar. He still was a Little Fatty.

What Jack didn't notice was a tiny progress bar hidden at the bottom of his vision. Each drink he had filled up a minuscule amount of the bar.