A Little First Aid

"I'm surprised you behaved yourself so well, granted the bit of loss of control." Dawn had to say, that if she was the person being talked to like a child, she'd have hit the man. However what the other person might have said if they said anything, was lost when the door opened. The rush of noise was loud and sounded like the fight was a good one.

"Mr. Debutant, Neil Cole wants to talk to you. He's interested in the other gathering, that is if you are willing for another to join with the side betting." Well wasn't that interesting. She didn't really care. Whatever high stakes shit they were into she wasn't. nor would she tell the other two, she'd had her fill tonight.

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute." The door swung shut and she stayed where she was. She felt it better than stepping out and letting the man out there know she was in hearing shot.

"You'll stand right here and not move from the spot. I don't care if someone comes up and sets you on fire. You aren't to move, understood?" She raised an eyebrow at that, what an asshole. Was he talking to a person or an animal with his threats? She heard the door open and close. She figured that it was best to go out now while he was gone.

She stepped out and while she was just going to walk past with her head down, she was curious at the person standing there. It was Lucian, and he was standing staring out into the vast darkness. There was a slight possibly angry look about him. Otherwise, he looked how he did when he went into the ring, expressionless. She should have kept her head down as she walked, because she found her steps slowing.

She stopped only because you could see the blood that was soaking into the left side of his grey shirt, plus the bruising around his jaw and ear. Second the bit of blood that had come from said ear and a couple defensive cuts on his arms. It looked like Rhino hadn't completely missed.

"Uh, are you okay?" She said stupidly, obviously he wasn't. Or perhaps the pain just didn't bother him. But he'd been stabbed, and probably had some bruised or broken ribs. Why was he just standing here, and why would that man tell him to wait knowing he needed medical attention?

His grey gaze shifted to her, he didn't move his head nor the rest of his body, just his gaze. He didn't shrug, didn't nod or shake his head to her comment, but she got the feeling just from his look that he really didn't see what business it was of hers. Nor that it mattered. What he didn't express with his body, was expressed by his eyes she could see that.

"You're bleeding kind of bad, do you want something for it?" She felt bad just walking away and leaving him standing there bleeding. Clearly his ride wasn't worried about it. She hoped he was getting paid a damn good amount. She wasn't raised to be heartless and would always offer, didn't mean others had to take it.

His gaze stayed on her for a second and then shifted back off into the darkness that was out there. She glanced where he was looking but didn't see anything worthwhile. She brought her bag from her shoulder and looked in it. She knew that she had a few things, she liked to be prepared. It was why she had such a large purse. Not because she enjoyed the size.

"Here." She said pulling out a small cloth handkerchief. He glanced down at it, and then back out seeming to not care at all. She couldn't decide if he was an asshole, just acting like one, or had taken what the man said before seriously. He was told not to move, even if he was set on fire. He could at least respond to her and say something.

"Can't you talk?" She asked half seriously, his eyes came back to her. He just stared at her dispassionately. "Oh, sorry." She took his look to mean that he couldn't. Well at least he had an excuse then for acting like an asshole when she was trying to be nice. Then again what sane man went and fought another because you could?

"Here's the thing," She said deciding that this mute man, who was clearly going to stand there and continue to bleed, while ignoring her offer of help, Dawn was going to use to stay out here a bit longer. "I really don't want to be here. Not knocking on your line of work, so please don't beat the shit out of me, but you seem to be taking your boss's comment to heart. So if you don't care either way, I'd like to use you as a reason to not have to go back in there and pretend to be having a good time."

He looked at her once more, and then he turned his head slightly to look at the door. He turned back still not changing expression and looked out at the darkness. Figuring that since he didn't flip her off, nor give her a head shake or something like that, she was okay to pester him a bit more. Thank god, because she'd rather annoy him then go back in there at the moment. Which was pretty sad seeing what this man could do and she knew him all of two minutes. Besides he was seriously bleeding, so it was a legitimate reason.

"You don't really show much emotion do you?" No response. "Well even if you're annoyed with me, thanks. I really don't want to be here anymore." She said with a slight laugh. "How do you do that anyways? You have some very quick moves."

Knowing that he couldn't answer her she stepped up. "You look like you could use a few stitches. Do you really mind, because I'm clearly going anyway and you haven't indicated either way?" She said holding up the cloth. For the first time she got the slightest motion. He shrugged ever so slightly still not looking at her.

"I have some aspirin, you probably need that with the head hits and that rib cage punch." She rummaged in her purse and pulled out the little case with some medical supplies in it. She held out four figuring he'd need a bit more. He didn't hold his hand up to take them.

"Here, just humor the crazy lady that started talking to you." She took his hand and put the small brown pills into his hand. She went back into the kit and grabbed some rubbing alcohol pads and small thing of Neosporin. She liked to be prepared, what could she say?

"I'm surprised that they didn't do anything for you. I mean how can they not have a medic or something to at least patch you up till you get home? That's cruel, then again if they have one, I'm sure he's taking care of that Rhino. You kind of really took it to him." She was talking more because while she felt stupid standing out here with a man she didn't know, doing a bit of first aid, she felt silence was worse. He had to think she was a bit off, well whatever it was better than being in that smoke filled room with roaring idiots.

"Is your ear ringing? Aren't you worried about getting permanent damage?" She asked and reached up with the alcohol pad and wiping at the blood. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen any of the fighters get medical attention. Just what they did for themselves. As normal he didn't respond to her comment.

"This will burn a bit, but better than infection right?" She told him, not bothering to look up. He was clearly just standing here humoring her. That and not moving like he was told, wow, now that was dutiful. She wiped over the cuts with the alcohol pad and he didn't flinch or do anything. He'd been sliced with a knife. What was a bit of alcohol? She then rubbed some of the antibiotic on it, which also helped to stop a bit of bleeding from them. Though they didn't look as bad as when she first saw them.

"You should have some ice on your leg. He could have really damaged it you know." She took hold of the edge of his shirt. "Did he get you deep? You're still bleeding here." She asked him looking up, he was just looking down at her. Again his eyes said what did it matter, she noted a kind of berry like scent that came from him, it was appealing. What an odd scent for a man to have.

The top of his denim jeans were also soaked with blood. She peeled up the shirt and gasped at the wound and horrible bruising that was on his side.

"Jesus, you need stitches and a doctor." She held the shirt up with one hand careful to not press on anything sore. She also noted that he was sculpted nicely. If he didn't have the three inch gash, he'd have a damn sexy stomach. Well he wasn't bad looking to begin with. why were all the good looking ones crazy?

"This needs to be cleaned and stitched, I'm serious. God what if you have internal bleeding?" She wiped the area, but not the actual wound. She was glad now that she had first aid and was certified, because this was bad. How was he even still standing?

"Okay, you need to put something on that wound." She said, and looked around, but nothing was suitable. She looked down at the skirt that she was wearing, it was black and flowed about her ankles. She reached down and ripped the material of it. She got a pretty good chunk torn off, clearly he needed it more. What if he bled to death? She thought to call 911, but maybe it was superficial. He couldn't still be standing if there was that bad of injury inside.

"This is going to sting, please don't punch me." She said unwrapping a new alcohol swab and opened the little square thing and placed it over the gash which it just covered. He made the first movement of the night when she did that and let out a hiss leaning ever so slightly away from her.

"Sorry, sorry! I know." She glanced up, his eyes were dark and it looked for a second like part of his lip was curled up showing very white teeth.

"Here." She put the end of her skirt to it and added pressure. "It'll stop the bleeding, and you need that." She had one hand on his stomach and the other pressing to his side. After a second he brought his hand up covering hers slightly and pressed it to the wound so that she could let go.

She looked up at him, he was seriously staring at her now and hadn't looked away. She felt oddly like swallowing and fought the urge. For no reason she felt extremely nervous and needed to take a step back. She'd seen what he did to that beast of a man, and she hoped she hadn't warn out her welcome that badly.

"Uh," She started and then heard someone call her name. She wasn't sure how long she'd been over here. She looked down the way and saw Craig who had turned toward her.

"You going to be alright, you don't need me to call a medic or anything?" He just looked at her, and then looked her over for a second. His gaze stopped at the bottom of her skirt. She noted how his fingers flexed slightly, both on the cloth at his side and his free hand.

"Dawn! What are you doing?" Craig called to her.


"Maybe you should think of a new profession. Or pick easier fights." She told him. "Try not to get stabbed again." She offered him a tentative smile and then turned when he didn't make any kind of motion and jogged back over to Craig stuffing her items back in her purse.

"What were you doing?"

"He was bleeding, and needed some stuff. I happened to have some things in my purse."

"Oh, you were gone so long. We were starting to wonder." He said putting an arm around her shoulders, which she felt like removing. She went back in with him as he guided her back into the building.