Kill or Be Killed

"I am not sitting and waiting for that thing to kill me. I've been watching in that cell. It's kill or be killed. I saw that thing rip that man apart." She put a hand on the doorway and peaked around to where the one man was nearly shouting. One that she didn't know, but the two seemed to know each other. The new man must have been captured with Mitch. They were the two talking.

"Yeah, you think I want to stay in here? I only have so much medication." Mitch said. Holding up a small case in his hand. She could see a light on the side of it, like it was powered.

"You really going to kill me JD?" Mitch asked darkly after a moment of silence.

"You know what I just might." He answered in a hysterical way. "They are going to slowly bring people in, that's what they told us. I stand a better chance getting out of here with less in the place. You could help me, we could get rid of the women that are in here. Then it would be better for us. Like a team."

"Like hell I'm going to help you murder people." Mitch spoke with anger. JD had brown hair, average build, but looked like he could handle himself. There was a bit of bruising on his head and a couple stitches but they were looking older now. How long had they been held? Drugged?

"Something that I trained for, but not creatures. You're either with or against me." JD said and Mitch just stared at him.

"Don't you come any closer!" JD said suddenly seeing Lucian standing near a crate and watching them. JD lifted some kind of metal rod pointing it. Dawn took note of the weapon he found rather quick. Or had they given it to him? Either way, Dawn was sure that there were items in here now. This was just a very fancy fighting ring, and she was sure they threw weapons in here to make it interesting.

"You have to get close to use that." Lucian said pointing to the bar. The man just kept a cool stare.

"I'm not worried." He said. "We're playing, there's no reason for you to attack us, freak." Lucian didn't react just stared.

"Just watching." He commented and continued to stand there. Dawn watched the other two, and decided that she needed to find a weapon or something to defend herself. Lucian might have been nice once, but that didn't mean he'd be again. Plus JD looked like he was going to make sure he lived through this.

"Stay out of my way Mitch. I'm warning you now." JD moved toward the room that she hadn't been in yet. At a glance, as she leaned back from the bathroom area, she could see that it was a living room.

"Going to play?" Lucian asked watching Mitch. This little display told her that Lucian was very clearly their referee. One that probably had a loose set of rules to follow. She swallowed, she made note to not piss him off. That if he told them to do something, it was best to do it. Again Dawn didn't know if push came to shove how well she would manage it. Could she really truly kill when she had time to think?

"Going to sink your teeth in me if I don't?" Mitch asked backing up a bit from where Lucian was. Lucian just looked at him.

"If I'm told." With that he turned and shifted darting up the stairs. Dawn wasn't sure what Lucian did while he was waiting for orders or boredom. She didn't want to know. So instead she went back to the garage area and rummaged around finding a crowbar. The red light in here caused a lot of shadows. She heard movement and ducked down below the table watching the bathroom entrance.

"Who's in here?" It was JD's voice and she wasn't going to say anything. He probably would do something to her. She hoped that Jackie was smart too. That she just stayed hidden or something.

Dawn could see his legs through the table and items stacked there. As he moved along the table one way, she moved the other way crouched. He was going slow, and when she went around the backside of the table he moved quick to the side she had been on. However he didn't see her and was starting to look around the items in the room.

She waited until he turned and then darted out of the room into the bathroom as quietly as she could up the stairs. She heard that whooshing sound and something unlocking, and figured that sound meant that someone else was being allowed in to play. She had no idea if they were just letting them in at random or intervals.

As she came up the stairs she glanced back down to see if JD was following her, but he wasn't. She turned to run toward the plant room. She hadn't heard a thing and turned right into someone, she shoved fighting a bit but the grip was strong. When she looked up she felt her heart start trying to beat out of her chest again.

"Sorry, please don't snap my neck." She said in a rush. Her grip on the crowbar was strong, but that was the arm that he was holding. She wasn't going to get a swing in, and she realized that once in fight or flight mode, she could harm someone.

"I don't snap necks." Lucian said to her and glanced down the stairs his gaze seemed to search for something. She looked at his side, and there was just a bit of a red mark, just what was he? It was strange to stand here with someone who wasn't human, and not find that the most disturbing things going on. Just that he could kill her instantly if he wanted to.

"Is it too much to hope you'll let go?" She asked trying to not hyperventilate. She didn't know what she'd do if he just changed right here. She should probably be freaking out about that a little bit more, but she believed in staying calm. Panicking wasn't going to help her think to get out. Everything was so clear at the moment in her fear it didn't matter.

"If I do, you'll take a swing at me. I don't feel like healing more than needed at the moment."

"Even if I did, I doubt it would end well for me. I promise to be nice. I was before." She said hoping that he operated the same as she did. Or had a conscience like most, there was a very slight smile.

"Before you didn't know what I was." He stated and took a few steps back. He didn't let go yet. She had to follow, they were out of view of the stairs and more into the plant room.

"Just because I helped you before. Didn't mean that I thought you were safe." She told him worried, after a second he let go of her arm and just stood there. His eyes told her, that he really didn't believe what she said. Was probably waiting for her to take a swing and then run.

Dawn considered herself to be a smart person, and when you were in an extreme situation, it called for extreme measures and common sense. Her common sense told her that not pissing him off, and being nice would buy her more time. Help her out in the long run. After all he hadn't killed her when he could have right? Clearly that card wasn't used up yet. In her mind there was clearly no time to waste on freaking out, and accepting what she saw.

Besides, this Debutant probably had a crap load of money invested in the being before her and wouldn't want to lose him. It was a safe bet that he would survive to the end and didn't need any help, but he said that one could be alive in the end. She'd like to be it, but that didn't mean you got to leave alive.

"Is it really over when only one is left?" She asked him, and he just stared at her. She swallowed a bit. "Do you count as one of those left?"

"No." She felt a bit better at that, she had a chance. He wasn't doing anything to her at the moment so she could get some answers. He was just watching her and seemed to be contemplating, well at least he wasn't a complete animal. He clearly thought like a rational person.

"Will you only kill when told?"

"No." Her mouth felt a bit dry again. Okay, but he wasn't attacking yet, told her he either wasn't in the mood or wanted something. Value, in here you had to have value and she needed to figure out what that was. Keep it that way, or she needed to fight.

"Are they going to do anything else to us, or just let us run around here believing that we have to kill the others to live?" Because she thought that they might just be creating hysteria in them to have a good show.

"You don't play along, I take you out of play. Your questions are also eating at the generosity that I owe you. Not required, but I find you have peaked my interest." She'd take that over nothing, and she was happy to hear it. But she didn't want to run out of his generosity and then end up dead.

"Thanks for the generosity. For letting me ask questions." She said seriously, she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. She doubted that he ever really talked to those that were here and for whatever reason he was talking to her. Thank god for small favors, and her stopping to help him.

"But I guess what I did wasn't really needed after all." She said gesturing to the red that was disappearing slowly. Talk to him like a normal person, he might see her the same. At least she could hope. She hoped that normal psychology worked on him.

"Just because I heal doesn't mean I don't get infections. That it didn't hurt. What you did helped it heal faster, with less pain." Lucian looked at the woman, she was being rather calm and asking questions to figure a few things out. She was incredibly nervous, fearful even, but she wasn't running off or screaming and that was points in her favor. He wondered if anyone bet on her being the one he'd have a conversation with, that was if he did talk to any of them. That was a high payout, he tended not to truly converse them, just do things. They seriously bet on everything, or could bet on everything. Even if it wasn't written down. If they said they wanted to put money on it, the Debutant made it happen.

Lucian was trying to decide when he wanted to take from her however. Do what he wanted, because let's face it. This place had a good amount of people that would be wandering around it soon. He really didn't want to deal with them all, or worry about having to watch for them. When he took his reward out of her it would be nice to not have to many roaming around.

He'd rather enjoy what he could, and he had just gone and killed those in the place before so he could do as he pleased for a bit before the next was allowed in. He didn't feel like doing that yet. It would make things move to fast, and he would be punished then.

"You don't mind what you do, do you?" She asked him, her blue green gaze was taking a lot in. Even when he didn't answer her she guessed right. She could read others well.

"No, why should I? It's what I was created for. When I do what I'm told I get exactly what I want. Whatever I ask for."

"Oh." She jumped when she heard someone shout down below. Then there was a bit of running and then it was quiet again. She had a bit wider eyes, and he knew she would probably like to get out of his presence but just didn't know how to. She was afraid to turn her back on him, smart.

"If you aren't going to do something to me, am I free to go?" She asked, he tipped his head and studied her. He reached out taking a fistful of her hair and pulled her closer than she was. Her grip on the crowbar got tighter, and she raised it slightly but still didn't swing.

She just might be the best he'd chosen to have. The rest didn't stay calm and that got annoying really fast. Now that she was closer, barely an arm's length away he let go of the portion of hair that he grabbed. Her heart was beating hard and he could hear her blood rush through her veins. Very tempting, but not quite yet. He was sure that Debutant was trying to figure out his reaction to this woman. Or if Lucian wanted her enough to remove her for a bit and use her as a type of reward later. He did things like that a lot.

He reached up and ran a hand down her hair, it was smooth and soft. Silky even and he'd wanted to touch it before. He was watching his hand move through the strands, he liked it. It was natural he could tell by the feel and scent. Which he'd leaned closer to her and inhaled, she just stood there stock still, what a good little rabbit.

"Meeting with your approval?" She asked in a shaky tone. He leaned back and looked down at her.

"Yes." Was all he said. He liked the smell of her and the way that she reacted. Calmly and holding her panic down. Both of them looked toward the stairs that led to the storage area. Jackie was screaming again, and pleading.

He turned first, he could smell blood, and not a small amount of it. It made his skin crawl and his mouth water. He shifted suddenly and darted toward the stairs going down them and the rich metallic tang was heavy in the air. He knew that when blood started flowing in here, he could act far more animal than man. It called to him and he crept around the crate watching and listening as he found a perfect spot. His animal side taking control and watching prey scurry about.