
"You have to give something up first for the antidote." Lucian told her. "That's the rules."

"Like what?" She asked, her fingertips were starting to feel cool. Her face was feeling hot. She didn't want to be at the mercy of the others.

"The poison will be in full effect in twenty minutes." The voice over head said and then no more.

"Give me your weapon." He said simply with a shrug, and she tightened her grip on the crowbar. She heard the others moving around, and a couple called out, but he ignored them.

"It's the only thing I have to protect myself." She said, which was true. Yeah she'd be alive, but without something to help her. She knew that there were precious few good weapons in here and she had one of the four.

"Not going to do you much good if you're paralyzed now will it?" She narrowed her eyes. She hated his smug attitude. Not all of them were a born weapon now were they?

"That's what they told you to collect, you can't be bargained with for something else? I'll still be a sitting duck without it." He gave a slight upturn of the corner of his mouth. She clearly amused him.

"You're appealing. Smart too." He said to her. "I suppose everyone can be bargained with." He looked her over and she wasn't sure what he was going to ask for. Anything was better than her weapon.

"Give me some of your blood, I'll give you the antidote."

"My blood?" She asked confused and with a bit of a swallow. What was that supposed to mean? She was infected with the drug, wasn't he worried about that? Second, how was she supposed to give it to him? He seemed to read her expression and what she was thinking.

"I don't get sick from such things. You've got two options, count yourself lucky I don't give them often. Make up your mind, blood or crowbar. You have less than twenty minutes now." With that he turned and shifted moving off. She jumped up when he did that.

"Wait!" She said and wasn't sure where he had gone. She started to move and saw him then going up a flight of stairs. She took off in that direction and she saw someone else too. Craig came out of the dining room area and ran toward the stairs.

"Where'd he go?" She heard Craig ask, she was ahead of him and stayed that way. She felt a cramp in her stomach and doubled over for a second. Craig just shoved past her and she could see that he was sweating a bit. She moved in a different way, heading toward the bedroom, as Craig had gone to the jail area. She was nearly sick, and not too far away, she was sure that someone else was as well. She could hear them retching.

"Lucian!" She shouted, "You can have my blood, where'd you go?" She asked, shaking her head a bit. This was acting fast, she must have gotten a lot. She felt kind of flimsy like her muscles weren't willing to really work. Her legs shook and she felt her head spin a bit.

"Not such a hard choice was it?" She spun around and he was standing right there. She didn't have the time to react because he didn't really warn her. He just grabbed her by that back of the head and pulled her forward. A second later she felt something white hot slice into her neck. She made a sound of pain, and he was damn strong. She couldn't pull away if she wanted too.

It hurt, was painful and she mentally told herself to relax, that fighting was worse. That she'd said yes and then she would get her shot. When she relaxed she realized that the pain in her neck changed and that was a relief. Which acted like a snowball effect. Her relief made her relax more and the feeling got so much better. Enjoyable even, enough that she moved closer to Lucian. It was only a few seconds, but felt longer.


Lucian liked her choice a lot better than the first one. He'd been told what he should take from the others. However he'd clearly changed his mind. At least with her, he didn't care with the others. Since she was his fascination at the moment, he'd get what he wanted.

He'd have named something else, but again there were still people running around with weapons and they were actively seeking him out right now. So that was a no go, but afterward he could. Her blood tasted a lot like her scent. Plus she was one to realize that relaxing was better than fighting it and she stepped closer. No complaint there from him. He liked her body closer, when you were deprived of such things you'd take what you could get no matter how. She was simply unlucky enough to have peaked his interest. That sensation of something about her that he just couldn't put his finger on was there again. Something his animal could sense but he'd not come across before. Since it really wasn't an issue he pushed it to the side.

Her sigh was soft and sweet. He heard others moving this way and swept his tongue over her throat. He did it firmly and slowly making sure it closed. The healing and coagulant agent in his saliva would seal it up. Which was something she needed seeing he bit into her jugular. Held his mouth there for a moment. Then raised his head seeing it was healed enough.

He didn't let go of her though, instead he gripped her chin and covered her mouth with his. She didn't resist either, still feeling the high from what he did. Better than the pain, and that feeling could get addictive on both ends. He kissed her because he wanted to, and it was easy to take possession of her mouth. The fun he'd have with her later was at the front of his mind. Lucian would do what he wanted when. Just like he'd been taught, and there was no collar on him to control him right now. Like master, like pet he guessed.

She gave a cry of pain a second later when he jabbed the needle into her arm and depressed it. He pulled his head away from hers and then the needle. She swayed a second and then touched the side of her neck before her mouth. There was a small dot of blood welling up on her upper arm where he'd injected her.

"Thanks." She said in an odd way, and he turned from her a slight smile on his face. That was a first. No shouting or cussing, just a thanks. He liked her calm demeanor and that she wouldn't fight when it was futile. He glanced back when she turned and moved off. How he hoped she didn't make it difficult later on him. He'd much prefer it not to be, but that was rarely how he got it. He doubted that he'd ever actually sleep someone who wasn't drugged or fighting with him. His world didn't involve a lot of choice. A slight noise came pulling him from his thoughts.

"You, the drug." JD said standing there and clearly feeling the effects. Lucian glanced to his right and saw Mitch. He just looked at him and then to JD.

"Give me one of your injections, I'll give you one of mine." He told Mitch. Mitch didn't hesitate. He opened his med case, he tossed the insulin to him and Lucian tossed one to him. He took it and put it in his arm taking it and then moved off.

"Give me your weapon, then you can have the shot." JD blinked and swayed a bit.

"No way, I need it. Something else." Lucian just stood there staring at him.

"That's your price, take it or leave it." He said and JD gripped it hard and then with a wave of pain tossed it at Lucian who just bent out of the way so it didn't hit him.

"Now give me the fucking shot." Lucian tossed it to him carelessly, but JD managed to catch it. Good thing too, because it would have shattered if it had hit the ground. The syringes were glass. Made to be breakable if you fucked up. Lucian turned and picked up the weapon before moving off. There were two more he had to get things from yet.