Chapter 12: Run On

“You mean you went on a date with Michael and ended up having a date with THE Andrew Logan? I mean how did that happen?” Jane asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement and anticipation.

“I didn’t have a date with Andrew Logan. We just ate together,” Ivy corrected.

Ivy noticed that Jane was taking down notes.

“So how did ‘eating’ with Andrew Logan go?” Jane asked.

“Why are you taking notes? This is not work-related,” Ivy said.

“We are Mirror Love Connection. We are always interested in love connections. Maybe this will be a success story we could use one day,” Jane reasoned.

Ivy leaned her head back into her office chair and laughed. “There is no love connection between Andrew and myself. He has a girlfriend!”

A crease formed just above Jane’s lips. “So he says! When I watched that interview you had with him I got some chemistry vibes between the two of you!”