Creativity. It's a word thrown around quite often. So much so that it has lost almost all value. A child could draw a red shark and they would be considered creative. But if such a simple gesture marks an organism as creative, then every person could be said to be "creative"
But if everyone is creative, what's the point of the word in the first point. If it is a set of letters used to define someone, then what point is there for it to even exist if it defines everyone?
So, for such a word to still have meaning, there must be some who lack creativity. Instead replaced with spontaneous thoughts. Such as this child. That child is not using creativity to draw a red shark no. That is just spontaneous thought. Anyone could think of such a thing.
But if this does not define creativity, then what does? A convoluted question as it could truly come down to your personal preference.
To Atreyu however, the description of an entity being creative is associated with its intelligence. If he could define creativity it would be the concept of thinking about something nobody else could. An innovative idea or solution to a question.
Think about it, to be creative would define your thought process to be more open to solutions or other concepts. Being able to think of something most couldn't. And how could you achieve a feat like that without a higher intellect? You couldn't in most cases.
If you look at some of the smartest people in history, most of them are known for coming up with a question or solution, and sometimes both, on something tens, hundreds ahead of their time. That is creativity, that is intellect.
So no, drawing an abnormally colored shark is not creativity. Creativity requires one to be what is considered a genius. To be creative you must have an idea nobody else does. And sadly people get the two confused far, far too often. While one is true creativity, the other is just projecting your thoughts. Being truly creative requires high intellect and a questioning mind. Something very few possessed.
And in the world of Myrid, the creative dominated the world. Creativity could be considered the most dangerous of weapons here. And he was to enter such a world? He had to face these geniuses who are revolutionizing the concept of "lethal?"
How could he do such a thing? He was just an average guy in a kid's body. He didn't have the incredible intellect they did. Atreyu felt quite down, this fireball most likely marked the start of a long, long journey that he most likely wouldn't make a 10th into. Sure he wasn't scared of death, but there were probably things worse out there.
He did not doubt that he would be forced to fight, they had practically confirmed such. He would be forced to hurt, to kill! He didn't want such! He didn't want to be weak, but he didn't want to kill either!
'Calm down, You can't have it both ways, and this isn't an option. The only thing I can do Is prepare' he had already decided to embark on changing his own comforts. But how could he change it to such a drastic degree?
Now sitting in a pristine white stall, he had his hand out, ready to cast the fireball at any point. The thing he had worked up to for the past months was finally here! He could do it!
'Breath in, breathe out' he had vowed he'd be strong enough to never feel terror again. Yet here he was, unable to cast a simple fireball because he was scared of something yet to happen!
'I just have to get stronger, I'll use these next years primarily to raise my aurora levels, and study' one thing at a time. He knew he would probably take a life at some point, they had even told his mom so. Which she nor he had appreciated.
Atreyu's hand was shaking. This was the start of it all, it felt as if there was no going back after this gesture. Even if there was, be it temporarily.
'There's no point in worrying' he was right. He still had a dozen years to enjoy himself, why ruin them? He was on a world-record pace in peace. Did it get any better than that? An early start could change everything, he better not waste it. He was sick of feeling scared, and it was quickly turning into more than a simple goal, that he could drop at any moment, no. it was becoming a permanent motivation! An unstoppable one.
He had a determination at this point, he hated this feeling, more than anything else in the world. And what could he do about it? Nothing. And that was an even worse feeling, and he was sick of it! He could change things! He knew he could! He has aurora at his disposal! This feeling felt worse than killing a man ever could! He felt an emotion he could never describe at that moment, in fact, he wasn't even sure if you could call it an emotion. The feeling of freedom? No, it was something more complex. Yet so similar. It felt like he was on top of the world! Nothing could stop him, not even after his last death had he felt this. And he loved it! He wanted more of it! He needed more of it!
But how? 'I guess, I just need to become the strongest, be on the top of the world, where nothing can stop me now, he truly had determination. Not just a goal. A motivation. No more empty words!
And just like that, as if it where the simplest thing in the world. A bright red flame conjured just in front of the calm of his hand. It was... Beautiful.
Swirling as if it had its mind of its own, he could sense the life and vortex that inhabited it. His will, that fueled it. The multiple shades of colors and popping red that was in his eyes, were a piece of art. A piece of art that had been forged from determination and wonder. It was priceless. Accomplishment filled his heart as he let all his worries wash away.
He loved aurora, and he knew that as a fact. He loved the emotions of accomplishment and connection he had felt in the past few seconds. All of it, all of it! What was he worried for? Who cares if he killed someone with this? 'm Atreyu's eyes, nothing else mattered but this feeling. Who cared if he had guilt, fear, or sorrow? When it could all be permanently burned away by the simple cast of a fireball?
The fire burned away all the worries in his heart, instead replaced with a sense of warmth. And it was in these moments that he knew he would love this journey.