Chapter 3: A Deal's a Deal

Bradford Holmes tapped his fingers on the steering wheel of his brand-new Mercedes.

Parked by the curb of the apartment, he deeply inhaled the scent of the new car and tapped his foot. He wasn’t used to having to wait. Waiting was a thing he used to do. He didn’t do it now and he wasn’t about to start, especially for other people. Even more for his boss’s wife that he agreed to keep tabs on tonight, instead of sitting at home binging episodes of CSI.

But then Brad’s boss wasn’t just ‘other people.’

Trent Hilmark was a self-centered a*shole, yes, but he was also generous to a fault. He was Brad’s best friend and building a billion-dollar company with him had been VERY rewarding. As a bonus when Trent was in the room, his presence commanded all the attention, leaving Brad to the shadows. Which was exactly how Brad liked it.

Limelight was NOT in his genome and he preferred to steer the rudder over being the face of the company. But often, not being the one in control had repercussions. Really unpredictable and annoying ones.

Brad unbuckled his seatbelt and pressed the window button on the driver’s side. The window slid down with a soft buzz and the fresh, balmy evening air wafted in. The weather was unusually warm for March. Brad’s nervousness eased an inch and he relaxed.

His phone rang and he looked at the display. Trent’s face popped up on the screen and Brad tensed. He pushed the green button.

“Are you there yet?” Trent’s voice sounded on the speaker.

“Yeah, I’ve been here for ten minutes,” said Brad. He looked out at the building and felt his frustrations growing, “I can’t believe that I’m taking YOUR wife out on YOUR anniversary. Dude, how low is that?”

“We already agreed that I was going to Tokyo to secure the deal on that new shipping port. Porsche said she’d divorce me if something didn’t happen today. Her words.”

“Man, I don’t have the time or the patience for your marital issues. You know, I had plans tonight.”

There was silence on the other end until Trent spoke, “You had plans? Really?”

Brad growled and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Well…no, but that’s not the point—You do this and I let you. Why do I let you?”

“Because I pay your bills. Brad, it’s temporary, until we get our sh*t figured out.”

“She lives on the OTHER SIDE OF TOWN. This is more than an inconvenience.”

“Dude, my life is an inconvenience. She gives me some crap about needing her own space, the h*ll that means, like I’m the f*cking problem.”

A headache was brewing in Brad’s frontal lobe, “Well when you treat everyone like a doormat, no wonder no one likes you.”

Trent laughed. His laugh was high and pitchy. Trent's track record with women left little to be desired and Brad wasn't sure if he was on his third or fourth wife at this point. Brad knew Trent was more married to his work than to his wives, and he didn't understand why Trent would put himself through so much trouble again and again. Brad didn't have the patience for that kind of bullsh*it anymore.

Brad couldn’t help smiling, “So, what am I getting out of this? I’m not a charity you know, even parents have to pay for daycare.”

Trent was silent for a beat and then cleared his throat, “Just do me this solid. If you do, I’ll give you fifteen percent of my shares in Hilmark Logistics.”

Brad felt his heart skip a beat. He thought for a minute. The desire for control pulsed in his fingers. “Sure you want to do that? You’d be giving me the majority vote. Control of the company.”

“It’s not that I WANT to, Bradford. I like ordering you around, but if I get another divorce before this Tokyo deal goes through, my dear Porsche wifey-poo will take me to the cleaners and I’ll lose more than you can possibly imagine,” said Trent.

“So why didn’t you let someone else take care of Tokyo if this was such a problem? I could have gone for you–”

“Tsk tsk Bradford, you of all people know that sending a rhino into a China shop is a strict no-no.”


“You, Bradford, are that rhino. Now, you’re my top guy, not saying that you’re not. But corporate deals are like extramarital affairs. There has to be secrecy, flattery, and tact, Brad. Unfortunately, you ain’t got any.” Trent snickered and Brad’s face grew hot.

“Now, don’t get angry. I happen to play golf with the owner of Araikumi Logistics and if I schmooze and kiss enough a*s and we get this port, then we will be the biggest shipping company in the Midwest AND East Coast!”

Brad could practically see the sparkles in Trent’s eyes, “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Brad, ole buddy, ole pal, trust me on this. A deal's a deal. Just do this little thing for me and it will make everyone happy.”

Brad saw a woman come out of the building. She was dressed in a shimmery dark blue dress that moved like water over her legs and strappy gold heels peaked out with each step. Her black hair was long and loose and waved by her face. Her tanned skin was smooth and Brad could see lean muscle definition in her arms. D*mn she was pretty. Trent really knew how to pick them.

Brad curled an eyebrow and watched her, “Black hair right? Long legs? Dude how’d you manage to snare this one?”

“Money and lots of vodka. Now don’t screw this up for me, pull out all the stoppers if you have to and for f*ck sake, don’t talk about me or it will royally piss her off. See you in two weeks,” said Trent and hung up.

Brad rubbed his eyes and inhaled sharply. “I’m gonna kill him,” he fumed. He thought of the control he’d have after this h*llish night was over and he rolled his shoulders.

Brad plastered a smile on his face, buttoned his suit and stepped out of the car.