Chapter 21: Don't Let Them In

Nori shook herself from her emotional stupor and looked frantically around the hotel room.

“Just a minute!” she called at the door.

Brad looked stunned and Nori shook him slightly until he looked at her.

His eyes were bloodshot and dark-red bruises were forming by his nose and under his eyes, “Nori, why are the police here?"

"I don't know. Should we let them in?” she asked.

"Absolutely not!"

"What if they come in anyway?"

"Cops are like vampires, they have to be invited in unless they have a warrant."

Nori’s mind raced, "That cop who was chasing us said that swimming in fountains was illegal. Maybe they already have a warrant?”

“Sh*t! Even if it’s just a misdemeanor, we’re trapped! I can’t go to jail now. Not with Porsche on the line."

Brad’s attention focused on the fire escape and he dragged Nori towards it.

“Oh h*ll no! Not again!” she hissed and tried to pull out of his grip.