Chapter 41: The Lake

“How many of these have you had?” asked Brad.

“Not as many as I think I've have?” slurred Nori and hiccupped. A slow smile spread across her face.

“Mhmm, yep that's exactly what I thought,” sighed Brad as he took Nori’s arm, “Come on, let's get some food in you.”

“Nooooo! No,” she muttered and teetered to her feet.

When did the ground begin to move? She felt giddy and light-headed. A desire to dance came over Nori as “Rock You Like a Hurricane” by the Scorpions came on over the speakers.

“Dance with me Brad!” she giggled and wiggled her body. She held up two fingers and dragged them in front of her eyes. Brad looked at her like she’d suggested they go to the moon. She shimmied and twirled, laughing sweetly, “Come on you stuffed shirt, dance with me!”

She grabbed Brad’s hand and pulled him toward her. He protested, standing still with his hands on his hips while she pranced around him, “What are you doing?”