Chapter 61: Growing in Common Ground

Miyagi trotted into the living room and jumped into Nori’s lap.

She snuggled him close and covered his furry face in kisses.

Miyagi waited patiently for her to stop squeezing the life out of him and gave her nose a lick and an affectionate bite.

“Ow, I missed you buddy. Ow! Stop that.”

Nori buried her face in his soft fur and after three seconds Miyagi shanked her thigh with his claws.

She let him go and he jumped down and he meandered into the kitchen.

“I hope you brought a cat carrier,” said Lenore as she sipped her tea, “He destroyed the one that handsome hunk brought him in.”

Nori’s cheeks flamed.

Brad’s face flashed in her mind and a deep aching sorrow whittled at her bones. She thought of the millions in her bank account.

He’d kept his promise, she was taken care of.

But Nori didn’t want the money, she wanted HIM.