Chapter 41

"I always urge you to take it easy my love" she uttered to Jason who was worriedly looking at the paint scratch that the Isuzu had sustained.

"It's next to nothing anyway" he downplayed it as he followed her into the house.

"How can it be nothing when you ended up paying someone unbudgeted for money?" she reminded him of the bitter reality.

"You're right my wife" he humbly gave in.

Delia had never drunk like a fish in front of the headmistress and her colleagues. On that occasion, she had just taken three glasses of wine, unlike the headmistress who had his Sunday ticking with a stronger dose of Jack Daniels. At that particular juncture, Jason, who had a six-pack of Heineken in the fridge, could not think of any better way of annihilating his disappointment other than drinking it away as he gulped two of those cans as if he were drinking tape water. Apart from allaying his worries, the ice-cold beers also refreshed him a great deal as he felt much better than before.