Chapter 48 

The time had already struck 5 bells and Jordan's bed which had been like a jumping castle all night long had to thank sleep for allowing it to realise some rest. She had hardly closed her eyes owing to the impetus of silver bullets. As much as her mind wavered between Redbury and Manburg, the superimposed high sex drive continued reigning supreme. At that specific juncture, a continual look at Jason's image had not only invited recollections of their sweet intimate moments and for the first time but also exacerbated the beast in her pants. The wild feelings engendered made her turn to Jordan whose busy night shift had taken a toll on his physicality and had since fallen asleep like a baby. Her attempt to awaken him with some tender teasers had been met with some indeliberate subconscious resistance owing to the heavy dose of drowsiness he had been immersed in. She felt immensely loaded with desire hence the need to quench that thirst immediately.