Chapter 56

''You glowing bitch" uttered Thelma as she lined her eyes

"Really?" responded the twerker as she sat on her slaughter pool

"The Minister treated you well, I can see" added Thelma as she looked at what she had done in the mirror.

"He said he is gonna buy me a flat" she accompanied that utterance with a goofy cue.

"Like really?" she curiously sought affirmation

"Yep! He said he wouldn't want to share it with anyone" she said as she arrogantly flipped her hair back and forth.

"Your, twerks can drive anyone wild girl, I'm cocksure you gave him a classy treat," said Thelma as she rolled her eye-lined sexy globes.

"I've always made them scream and groan with my groovy dick rides, but I've never seen what I saw. I got him mesmerized and breathless" she said with a dose of self-pride.