page 3

Sarah's  POV

multiple foot steps began to echo through the corridors of the cells for a quick guess i knew i was the only person here, not sure but i was very certain those foot steps where coming for me.

i re-adjusted my possition on the bed and placed my back complety against the cell was, for some reasons i didnt know what to expect rather do i know what was going to happen.

3 figures which appeared to be women came into view outside my cell, 2 where more of soldiers simply  telling from there matching atire which was a body fitted cloth.

it brought out they shapes and curves proposionatly and from the looks of it the materials could strech making them able to move fast and flexinle in them.

the other was dressed in a simple maidens atire, she add blond hair like the first guard who opened the door to my cell, will the other guard was a red head.

both guards looked sturning and beautiful, they where more like scultures made my the gods in a seperate room before bringing them to earth.

what more would you expect from vampires i guess, they are the most beautiful supernatural you could find anywhere in the world acording to the books i red back at the capitol library, trenching from their men to the women they're all expected to look hand made by the Gods.

my cell doors where unlocked and swong open wide by the blond haired guard.

they all stepped into my cell but said nothing to me, the two gaurds stopped at the entrance each taking both side of the entranch of the door to guard it, the one on the right was a red hair who had her hair tired in a short bone, the other on the left was blond, she aldo had her hair tired up but in a messy bone.

the maiden walked towards the table in my cell with a tray she held up in her hands.

she carefully set it down and took out a plat of food from it, placing it down on the table followed by a glace of water.

she then picked up a pack of what looked like medication in her hands, picked back up the water and walked up to me streching out her hands for motioning me to take them from her.

i looked at her dumpfolded at first, she had a plane smile on her face but taking those medications wasn't  convincing from the lookes and stares i was geting from the other two who stood inches away from us.

i reluctantly took the cup of water from her hand followed by the medication, i stared at them for a while then decided to take them.

with one head turn i put all the capsols in my mouth and galped a lot of water to push them all down, it gave me a ticklish feeling while bringing my head back down.

the maiden strenched out her hand for me to give her back the glass of water which i did and she replaces it with a plate of food handing it over to me. "chicken dumplings"

i was hungry, i couldnt give rooms for hesitation on this level.

i was about putting a full spoon of what was in front of me then paused half way to it.

"where am i ?" i asked the maiden but she just kept staring at me with no form of replying, from her body language she was scared of the guards behind her.......the realisation of her been an human hit me and i didnt want to press any further in other not to make things hard for her considering the fact i spotted some scars and brusses on her hands already.

i looked passed her to the guard in blond, she didnt like the fact that i was staring her down eye to eye but i wasnt scared nor wanted to back down from staring at her "what is this place ?" i asked her directly, she didnt give out any infomation as to what i asked, she just stayed quited and stood there like a rock.

i dropped the food i held in hand pushing it away "you need to eat" i eared the red head speak from behind, i couldnt see her because the maiden blocked her view from me.

she was right i needed to eat but i needed answeres and am not eating till i get one.

"i need to know where the hell i am ¡¡" i shouted out while standing up which cause the maiden to frighten as she stepped back to give me some space.

the two gaurds just keep looking at me and back at each other, the maiden on the other hand was shaking from fear which i couldnt really tell why.

"can someone please talk to me" i threw both my hands in the air to get they attention, my eyes went back to the maiden who was still shaking from fear "hey you¡¡" i called at her winning her attention "what is this place ?" i asked her with a straight face "shes not allowed to speak" the blond guard exclamed earning my attention towards her.

"and which of you blood suckers would answer me then ?" my question eared a grawl from the blond who was about to take a step forward but was stopped by the red head dead in her tracks with a hand placed in fromt of her.

i was in a very crusial situation right now, for the first time in my life am face to face with a vampire and they are 2 of them both few unches away from me but i chose not to back down and stay quite.

they are both stronger than me yes thats true but i needed answers

"your not going to last long here with that attitude you know right ?" the red head clearly told me what my situation right now was like but i wasnt ready to face it.

"i just want to know where i am" i said still holding my ground and acting like i wasnt scared of what would happen to me if they decided to kill me right now.

"you chose to ride south" the red head pointed out "where else do you think you are ?" she asked knowing fully well that i already knew the answer "and besides you already called us blood suckers momments ago" and with that she stopped talking leaving me to my own theory of where i am.

have never been to the south before, i chose to go south because i thought it would be safer or rather i saw it as an escape  route ...yes i knew what the out come would be but i never really expected to survive or be alive till now when i crossed those border lines.

i slowly went back to my bed and sat down on it picking my plate of chicken dumplings back in hand to eat.

the tension in the room eassed down a little.

i kept on taking bits after bits of my food, it felt like ages since i tasted food which brought me to another question.

"how long have i been out ?" i asked with out raising my head from my plate "2 weeks approximately", my eyes went wide open with the answer causeing me to look  up at the red head.

2 fucking weeks ?....was my injuries that fucking bad ?....who ever treated me back to life must have been a mirracle worker and that leads me to yet another question as well.

"who found me ?" that was one quetion i wasnt certain of, remembering how that night was i should be dead before anyone most have had an encounter with my body.

"they where no patrol guards on that night" i added trying to explain what i ment "the borders where empty i should be in unrivalled by the time some one saw me" i stated clearly telling her i should be dead before who ever found me did.

"you where already deseased by the time the queen found you", her statement send my beart down the drain.

i was already dead when i was found moreover of all people i was found by the queen.....the queen everyone talks about but never been seen, she was real ?...i was found by the vampire queen her self....this is already alot to take in.

why didnt she just let me die?, i was confused...the queen as always been know to be hartless,wicked and distructive in nature, why would she choose to help an human such as me rather than just leaving me out there to die ?.

"your body was found on the grave of a loved one" she added "there were no patrol guards that night because it was a memorial night".

but why leave the border lines empty because of the death of some ?

they where not scared of an attacke ?

thats the most bravest and stupidest thing have ever eared in my life.

the vampires have a lot of complicated ways and traditions cause it really made no sence to my sentimental thoughts.

i was already having a migraine with all the talk about been dead, being found by the queen and been brought back to life, from all i know right now am in dept to her for saving my life and my life was about to go down the drain.

as strong of a worrior i was, i was nothing here, i might be a soldier but compeared to this two vampires standing in from of me i was a nothing more than a joke when it comes to combating at their level, leaving me to be treated non other than the maiden in here with me or wost a slave.

thinking of a way of escaping from here was another to do schedule that just popped up in my life.

my cell became quite again, soon after I was done with my meal.

the maiden packed everything up amd exited the cell, same with the two gaurds and locked the doors.

yet again i was left alon in this place like a prisoner awaiting sentencing


dont forget to leave drop your thoughts about my work as a comment pleace, it would do me a whole world of good.