page 5

Sarah's POV

things kept going on as it always did for the past 2 weeks.

as usual i was well fed and taking care of, the maids came every day with some new pear of cloths so i could have my bath and change my outfits.

my wounds have completely healed up already and i was now in a good condition to plan my escape from here.

my plan was to escape to night , i have made all possible preparations down and hopefully praying it works out just fine.

the risk of getting cought was on a very hight side.

on thing for sure was have never encountered vampires before,talk more of escaping from a containment i was being held in by them.

i found it difficult at first to even figure out how i was going to get outside this prison hall ways, but luckily i was able to stay calm and give my plans a good though.

the longer i stayed here the more tired i was feeling locked up in here,

it was already dark, this was the best chances i had to get away from here.

my only option was to use the maidens time to my advantage, clearly i knew i could out power her and with that i just had to wait a while for her to come serve the dinner like she always did.

as i settle down to to scrap out more details into my escape plan, when a brief thought crossed my mind, why was the queen of blood of all creatures being nice to an human like me ?.

that was one hard question i found hard to understand, by now i was expecting mayber she would have ordered them to drain me of my blood by now, but if that was the case she could have just did that when she found me right ?.

rather she chose to save me from death and put me down here, it might not be the most place to host some ine but what else would you really expect from a cruel blood thirsty queen ?, but yet she kept sending down food and medications every day so i could get better like wise she asn't been down here by her self before.

was i a cow awaiting to be slain ?, i wouldnt even want to wait to find the answer to that question to be honest. An escape from here would really be the hardest and most complex thing have done in my entire life.

i tried to relax my self and clear ny ear when surdenly foot steps began to echo in the hall

finally it was time to get to work and get out of here.

after some few seconds the maid came to few infront om my cell, slotted her keys in and unlocked the doors, for a minute as she walked in i felt nurvess about what i was about to do.

with her tray in hand she walked straight to the table and put set it down.

while she was taking of everything from the tray i quietly stood up from where i was sitted on the bed and closed the gap between us.

she was more focused on what she was doing not giving her the idea i was right behind her.

i waited for her to get into a straight standing possition, just when she was about to turn when i grabed her from behind in a submissive way locking a hand around her throat and using the other to keep the lock steady.

she couldn't scream, how ever found it hard to breath whuch was exactly what i make her pass out, i didnt want to kill her juat wanted her to pass out from exhaustion

she struggled for a bit but later gave up, i layed her body slowly to the ground the search her for the keys to my cell.

I found them after a while it was a bunch of different keys, taking jt i walked out of my cell then closinv the doors of the cell to lock her in.

with that done i began to follow the trail of torch which hung above the walls of the hall ways.

mu journey out of here as just started and the last possible that could go wrong right now was getting cought.



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