Ling (1)

Chapter 1: Awakening of Despair

In the year 1320 on Planet Blue, a world where technology had reached unprecedented heights, a catastrophe struck. A virus emerged, sweeping through the population like wildfire, infecting every human it touched. This virus didn't merely sicken or kill—it transformed. Those afflicted began to mutate, gaining features reminiscent of demons and creatures from ancient fairy tales.

The changes were met with fear and violence. A purge was initiated, with bloodshed staining the streets as the unaffected sought to cleanse their world of the mutants. Yet, as the body count rose, the ruling powers realized the grim reality: humanity was on the brink of extinction. Reluctantly, they accepted that the mutants were still their kin—altered, but human nonetheless.

To manage the chaos, the mutants were categorized into five distinct groups: Demis, Fairy Tales, Demonic, Divine, and Mutants.

- Demis were those who had grown extra features—wings, horns, or claws—but retained much of their humanity. They were stronger, more resilient, and could still conceive human children, making them the most accepted among the altered.

- Fairy Tales had undergone more drastic transformations, their bodies and minds warped into something otherworldly. Some were peaceful, while others harbored dangerous tendencies. Humans approached them with caution, granting them a neutral status.

- Demonic beings, on the other hand, were feared above all. These creatures, born from the darkest corners of the earth, sought destruction. Though some among them displayed intelligence and restraint, the majority were a threat to humanity's survival.

- Divine were the rarest—humans blessed by the gods themselves, granted powers to protect the remnants of humanity. Worshiped by many, these beings had yet to reach their full potential, but they were seen as humanity's last hope.

- Mutants were the dregs of society. Fully corrupted by the virus, they became mindless monsters, driven by an insatiable hunger to consume and destroy. They were nearly impossible to kill without the aid of other races, making them the most feared and hated.

By 1380, humanity had regained a semblance of control. Life returned to a fragile normalcy, even as the mutated lived among them. But peace was fleeting. Another virus, this one of digital origin, began to spread—unleashed by the Supreme Humanitarian Movement in a misguided attempt to eradicate the non-humans. The virus backfired, infecting robots and AI across the globe, plunging the world into chaos once more.

For five long years, the war between humans and machines raged. Guns and swords clashed with metal and circuitry, as the infected robots seemed endless, immune to the passage of time. Finally, after countless casualties, the world reached a tenuous stability once again.

Then, in 1410, disaster struck anew. A global earthquake shattered the very foundation of civilization, summoning forth ancient creatures and the descent of so-called gods—beings known as Herrscher. These deities declared their intent to cleanse Planet Blue of all life.

But humanity had evolved. The first virus had granted them the ability to cast spells that defied logic, though at great cost to the caster's life. The second virus had corrupted their bodies, but in doing so, bestowed them with powers beyond imagination. Armed with these new abilities, humanity stood against the Herrscher, repelling them with a determination born of desperation.

Among the survivors, one name rose above the rest: Laznoire Lenoir, a brilliant inventor whose creations had saved countless lives. It was said that without his weapons, humanity would have fallen long ago. But now, in the aftermath of three calamities, Laznoire's mind was consumed by a new obsession.

Deep within his secret lab, Laznoire stood hunched over a table, his dark hair falling over piercing brown eyes that blazed with frustration. His muscular frame, barely concealed by his white robe, trembled with anger as he stared at the vial in his hand—a vial containing the culmination of his life's work.

"Tch, those bastards..." Laznoire muttered, his voice dripping with disdain. "They think humanity has a future in this twisted world?"

He slammed his hand on the table, the sound echoing through the sterile, high-tech room. "Humans—the best? What a joke. We're hiding behind the backs of our allies, clinging to our pride while they fight our battles for us."

His thoughts drifted to his parents, brilliant scientists who had devoted their lives to finding a cure for the first virus. They had died for their research, only to be dismissed by the very people they sought to save.

"My parents died for nothing," Laznoire whispered, his voice thick with bitterness. "They thought they could save humanity, but humanity didn't care."

As he sighed, trying to steady his breathing, a small, spherical robot floated over, its digital eyes wide with concern.

"[ (ó﹏ò 。) Creator, are you okay?]" the robot, affectionately named Meow Bot, asked in a soft, electronic voice.

Laznoire managed a small smile, touched by the machine's concern. "Ah, Meow Bot... I'm sorry if I startled you. I'm fine, really."

"[ (◕‸◕ ) You've been in this lab for so long... Are you sure you're okay?]"

"I'm fine," Laznoire repeated, though he could feel the weight of his own words. "In fact, I've completed the mutation drug. This...this will make me stronger than any human."

"[ ( ・⌓・`) Isn't that dangerous?]" Meow Bot's concern deepened, its digital face morphing into a worried expression.

"Not anymore," Laznoire said, his voice laced with determination. "I've removed all the side effects. By extracting the viruses from the air and combining them through a complex process, I've created a vaccine that will grant me unparalleled strength. My parents proposed this idea years ago, but the higher-ups rejected it. I'll prove them wrong—I'll save everyone!"

"[ ( "・ω・゙) It's okay, Creator. I'll be with you until the end.]"

Laznoire's smile softened. "Thank you, Meow. Once this is over, I promise I'll build you a humanoid body. You deserve that much."

"[ (◕ヘ◕✿) Just promise me that you'll be fine!]"

"I will," Laznoire assured. But as he injected the liquid into his skin, a sudden wave of darkness overwhelmed him, and he collapsed to the cold floor.

"[ (⊙.☉) Creator!!!]" Meow Bot hovered anxiously, nudging Laznoire with its small body. But its efforts were in vain. All it could do was drag a nearby blanket over him, trying in its own way to keep him warm.

As time passed, the once pristine lab fell into disrepair. Dust coated the advanced machinery, and the white walls were marred by grime. The lights flickered out, plunging the room into darkness. Meow Bot, now drained of power, lay still on the floor beside its creator.

The silence was deafening, broken only by the distant hum of the city above. In the shadows, it was impossible to tell whether Laznoire Lenoir, the man who had fought so hard to save humanity, was dead or alive.