WebNovelVamp Wine17.65%


Noire: let me be blunt but using your gun as a ton faster or blunt object is seriously faithful

Noire: you see... as a human your weapon is your lifeline means if your weapon is destroyed in the mid fight you will instantly be killed

Kallen: But...

Noire: no buts! this isn't a game where your weapon has infinite durability

Noire: your weapon has its limits unless your weapon is a soul bounded or eater type

Kallen: what is Soul bound and eater type?

Noire: you didn't learn that from your school?!

Kallen: I haven't started going to school...

Noire: you what?!!

Kallen tries to lessen her presence

Noire: how old are you?

Kallen: twelve...

Noire looks at Kallen's very developed body and remembers their first encounter

Noire: 12...? you look 15 or 18, to be honest

Kallen: hehehehe...

Noire: (Should I ditch her? she is probably going to be a deadweight to me and have no usefulness at all)

Noire seems in deep thought and Kallen seems to get nervous

Noire: (I will train her and if she didn't yield the results that I want I will ditch her)

Noire: I'll be your tutor and instructor then...

Kallen: Really?!! even I have no money to pay you?

Noire: Yes... how many supplies do you have?

Kallen: I have water and food for a week but if I add you it will be 2 days at most

Noire: Don't add me I don't need to eat after all

Kallen: But...

Noire: (She is the type of person that will hesitate to receive things without paying them back... a rare trait for humans)

Noire: then how about your blood as payment, though I prefer not-

Kallen: I agree!

Noire: fine... how long does the registration starts?

Kallen: three more months

Noire: then I'll make sure to make you the best student they'll ever see...

Kallen: thank you!!!

she decided to hug Noire and it dawned on Noire that she is shorter than Kallen

Kallen: your hair is so soft...

Noire is now conscious of her height


Noire: first of all use only Martial arts, give me your guns

Kallen: Yes!

Noire: (This girl trust someone so easily)

Noire pointed the gun toward Kallen and charged up the gun

Kallen: eh?!

Noire: rule of the battlefield, don't give your weapon even to the person close to you, there's a chance they will betray you

Noire shoots the gun grazes Kallen's cheek and she gives the gun back

Noire: put them on your holsters... hmm?

Kallen seems legs seems to shake

Noire: tsk... (living in a tense era while she is living in a somewhat peaceful one it's my fault for getting hard on her)

Noire puts her hand on Kallen's Cheeks and the wound dissapears

Noire: sorry...

Kallen: don't!

Noire: Hmm?

Kallen: I'm glad you put me through that because if it's that person isn't you, I might have died right here... that's why it's okay to be harsh on me!

Noire has a smile on her face

Noire: congratulations, you raised my favourability towards you...

Noire: now prepare for a harsh training week!


Kallen Kaslana the strongest valkyrie in her era has died on the day of her execution because of a Honkai beast

she is forced to kill her loved one because of a Herrscher and she gladly accepts the punishment for that

But she didn't think she will be born again as a Kaslana

she hopes to meet her loved one again and trained but she realised it isn't the world she once knew

there are different kinds of virus and many types of enemies she will lever face and many non-humans creature is flourishing and talking

she is surprised and thought she will never see her again until she saw a poster for the recruitment of a familiar school

there's a chance her lover is here so she becomes more diligent but after seeing the other races have fought she knows she will be kicked out of the competition if she stayed and continue her Gun and Martial arts combo

so she hopes to meet someone to be her tutor but no one wants to teach her so she decided to go to privately training under harsh conditions that's why she went to an abandoned city in the hope to hone her skills

she didn't think the fight against the honkai is hard after her pieces of equipment are only standard grade and got hurt in the process

she takes shelter in the abandoned hotel and kills the weak mutants so she can rest safely

remembering her past lover's touch and imagining wild fantasy in her head she decided to go into an uncharted territory

when she didn't think that in the middle of it She saw another person on the balcony

the person's blue eyes that glow made her think she will die again until the person ask her many questions she become confused

In the end, that person goes to the side of the balcony

Kallen thinks she is hallucinating so she decided to sleep

when someone woke her up she thought it was her parents but what greeted her is a girl that has Blue eyes akin to a predator

the first thing she does is grab her gun but she suddenly felt pinned down by the girl

the first thought to her mind was is she going to be raped

but the girl seemed to retreat towards the balcony again

she decided to wash her face in the washroom, despite the city's fully abandoned the water system is fully clean

she decided to reach out her gun and confronts the girl

the girl is wearing a black coat that is haphazardly been cut by scissors including her pants and shirt

the girl has pale blond reminding her of the boy that kept pursuing her in her school days except their eyes are different

the boy has some obsession with her that Creeps her out while the girl is bored and has no interest in life

she introduced herself as Noire Lenoir the surname of the natives here

which confirms that she is a vampire

the girl is older than her despite being smaller than her

the girl wants to be her tutor but she is hesitant because she has never seen how a vampire fight

when houkai beast appeared She wants to protect this girl but it seems unnecessary

the girl obliterated the houkai beast easily

she wants to know how she does it so the girl become her official instructor

but she wants to give to repay the girl somehow

the girl proposes she will drink her blood as payment

she agrees with it, making the girl surprised

the girl requested her gun but she didn't think the girl will suddenly double-cross her

making her heart feels betrayed yer again but the girl said that it's a rule on the battlefield that made her realise that the world isn't a beautiful place

the girl said sorry to her but she realise it now and her conviction to destroy the organisation that experiment with children is strengthened further

she realised the girl is older than her by a whole lot not only in age but inexperience in battle as well, and the girl's knowledge is very huge that it made her dizzy after hearing about her lectures

the girl can easily point out her flaws and strengthen her foundation more

the girl can use every weapon imaginable making the girl much more monstrous in her eyes

but the girl has its cute moments too, she has a habit of pushing invisible glasses but because she is a vampire glasses are only demerits to her eyes

the girl has the habit to daydream which she finds cute

there are many cute things she found about the girl but she decided to keep them in her

the girl teaches her how to use honkai energy more efficiently and tricks without using any kind of battle suit only pure honkai energy

the girl's usage of honkai energy is one of the best she saw that even the herreschers she fought are weaker than the girl

days have passed and she almost emptied her rations but the girl is not eating and she didn't bring up the topic related to her blood

Kallen: Noire you aren't going to drink my blood?

she called her Noire because the girl doesn't like being called a teacher

Noire: Nope

Kallen will force her to drink blood because if Noire will have a problem in her body then it will be her fault for making Noire stay with her to train her

Kallen: I insist!

Kallen shows her nape to Noire making Noire flinch

Noire: tsk... fine

Kallen likes that unconscious habit of Noire clicking her tongue because it radiates her childishness

Kallen prepare herself for pain but what she felt isn't pain

Kallen: Hyaaaa!

She currently feeling is a pleasure like she is doing those acts when imagining wild fantasies

the feeling of pleasure is getting stronger and stronger until she felt something moist between her legs and her breath seems heavier and heavier


Noire: (it tastes like red wine... but I guess some impurities have mixed in the blood means iron and some vitamins but it isn't bad once in a while drink)

Noire: (also I'm controlling myself because even a giant mutant will be dried In seconds if I didn't control I'm being careful with Kallen)

Noire removes her fang and touches Kallen's bite mark to close it

Noire: done!

but it seems Kallen is breathing heavily

Noire: Are you okay...?

Kallen grabs Noire and suddenly kisses her deeply


Noire: (My first kiss is getting stolen by a child!!!)


Kallen is 24 when she died and she is currently 12 totalling 36, While Noire is older than her by a lot