WebNovelVamp Wine31.37%


Noire: Kallen bought a device for Noire because Noire's multi-purpose device is currently broken now they are inside of the building that registering people because Noire need a new identity

Noire: now Noire is bored out of her mind that Noire speaks in 3rd person

Noire: it seems Noire's sanity isn't holding up because the line is too long

Noire: Noire thinks annoying Kallen is a great pass time but Kallen seems do not to approve of that idea so Noire just become a good child and waits for the line to finish

Kallen: How about playing some game on your device?

Noire: why didn't I think of that...? because Noire is a workaholic and doesn't have time for games but because Noire has no pieces of equipment and she is poor than a wanderer Noire becomes a leech towards Kallen!~

Kallen: you are giving me some lesson so I think it's not leeching

Noire: then friends with benefits?

the surrounding people look at the two in utter confusion

Kallen: *sigh* nope... it's called a mutual benefit I gained something you gained something too

Noire: I see... I should just play a game and be a good girl

Noire keep playing an idle game that requires no effort to progress and she just watches it like a movie

it's their turn so Noire closed the game

Receptionist: What can I help you with today?

Kallen: Her device is currently destroyed and its memory is broken

Receptionist: I see... then do you have a new device?

Noire: Here!

Reception: do you remember your ID number and verification password

Noire: Nope

Reception: I see... Then let me reissue you a new ID

the Receptionist gives Noire a thin and wide Device that has a pen on the Side

Noire: so I should fill this up?

Receptionist: Yes

Noire: Let's see...

Name: Noire

Gender: Female

Age: 298

Race: Sarkaz

Occupation: Wanderer

Job: Specialist

Noire: I guess that's all...

Kallen: you are almost 300?!

Noire: yes... it's surprising

Noire: I lost 240 years of memory so that's that

Noire handed out the digital form to the Receptionist


The Receptionist is very surprised to see a little girl that is over 200 years old and seeing the girl isn't a human she fully believed it

Receptionist: Can I have your device?

Noire gives the device to the Receptionist

Receptionist: do you want me to take a picture now? or you will be the one that will take a picture?

Noire: Just take a picture right now I don't care what I am going to look like in the end

Receptionist: Okay...

The device flashed for a moment and the Receptionist continue to process the ID

Kallen: why do you not include your last name?

Noire: Hmm... I guess a part of me doesn't want to remember it and wants to forget it permanently...

Noire: I don't know if it's cowardice or escapism... In the end, I'm clueless but if my Subconscious tells me that then I can only abide by it

Noire: and no it's not your fault so don't dare to be gloomy in front of me

Kallen: yes

The Receptionist gives the device back so Kallen and Noire go back to their room

Noire: I've planned all of your training Regiment now... do you want to hear it?

Kallen: Yes!

Noire: First we are going to the Sargon continent because it's a desert and Forest area there so it should be a nice way to enhance the perception of danger in your surroundings

Noire: the rest is a Secret~

Kallen: I should have expected it

Noire: the more open the surroundings the fewer impurities there are, to be honest

Noire: but there are tons of dangers in hand if it's very open so be prepared I guess

Kallen: I guess we should buy necessities and book a flight...

Noire: But... I want to hear your thoughts about it, to be honest

Noire: we could continue to train here because the abandoned city is a nice training area and there is a deathly forest where dangerous creatures lurking there and there's a wasteland from the north of the abandoned city

Kallen: Hmm... Will you be mad if I say I want to continue to train here?

Noire: Nope I just want to be at your side that's all

Noire: I guess we should buy some bedroom necessities if we want to be more comfortable there

Kallen: should we prepare now?

Noire: I want to rest for a bit, how about you?

Kallen: me too... I want to rest for a bit

Noire: then!

Noire rolls to the side of the bed

Kallen just shook her head in amusement and rest on the bed beside Noire

The two people closes their eyes and started sleeping


Kallen wakes up and she saw the pillow that she is hugging is Noire

Kallen tries to unhug her but Noire instantly wakes up feeling the warmth of the hands disappear

Noire: Hmm... what time is it?

Kallen grabs her device

Kallen: it's Noon...

Noire: eh... so we sleep for 6 hours?

Kallen: Yeah...

Noire: I guess it's fine to do night shopping it's more serene at night than on the day anyway

Kallen: I agree...

Noire: Let's eat outside and then we buy the things that we need

Kallen: Okay...

Noire: um... can you let me go? I mean I want to stay in this position but we need to do some things

Kallen: Hmm?

Noire's face is close to Kallen while Kallen is hugging her entire body like a koala

Kallen: ahh! sorry


Kallen: what colour do you like?

Noire: anything... I just want to have something to sleep on

Kallen: I guess

Kallen: try this one

Noire: eh?! when did we arrive at the clothing store?

Kallen: just now because you are too absorbed with your thoughts

Noire: still I'm fine with nothing at all because I can make them

Kallen: Nope, red doesn't suit on you

Noire: fine... it's just one pair, right?

Kallen is just smiling

Noire: It's just one pair right???

Kallen still wearing a smile


it just dawned on Noire that it isn't just one pair of clothes she will be trying on