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Noire kicks the building but her strength is very strong that her kick easily passed the building without any resistance and the building stayed intact

Noire: it seemed I have grown stronger than ever

Kallen: Wow!!! you can kill any honkai beast with that

Noire: ehehe~

Noire showed a proud expression

Kallen: Noire can I ask why are you strong without using energy?

Noire: the more blood I drink the stronger I will be physically

Noire: But the amount of nourishment that I gain from the blood will gradually fade but it's very meagre that I can't feel the difference

Noire: using blood arts will take a significant amount of it that's why I use this sword

Kallen: eater type?

Noire: yes! you made me proud (are all the descendants of the Kaslana bloodline are strong and smart? if so... I want to train another Kaslana for comparison)

Noire inwardly shook her head she is treating her student descendant as a lab rat and she doesn't want that

Noire: Because this sword can absorb blood no matter what kind, I can use it as extra storage for using spells but not for nourishments

Kallen: why?

Noire: it tasted so bad

The sword seemed unfazed by it because daily abuse of words is very normal for it

Kallen: then what about soul bound weapons?

Noire: Soul bound weapons are also called will/Oath weapons

Noire: if you have fully resolved yourself to take the weapon as your main one and not you can infuse your soul into it and it will change its appearance based on your soul

Noire: but there's a gimmick if your will or resolve will waver your soul bound weapon will get weaker and if that weapon breaks your soul will get a backlash till to the point of death

Noire: an eater type is a weapon that has consciousness it will feed on materials or energy to keep them stronger and stay in their perfect state

Kallen: I get it now... then does that mean your weapon currently has consciousness?

Noire: yes but it's currently in their earlier stage that it will have no personality yet normally you can talk to them if they are mature

Kallen: I wish I have something like that

Noire: I think a weapon that can change to pistol and great sword fits you better or a giant cross

Kallen: why a cross?

Noire: you have the strength of a Mino, to be honest

Kallen: I can't be mad at you and I don't know why

Noire: I'm cute afterall~

Kallen: I guess...

Noire: anyway can you flick my finger with full power

Noire lifts her pinky finger

Kallen: why??

Noire: just do it

Kallen flicks Noire's pinky making a crisp sound

Noire: do it again

Kallen flicks Noire's pinky

Kallen: Ouch!!

Kallen is tending her finger that is bruised from that flick

Kallen: I feel that I'm flicking a cement or a metal with that one

Noire: that's the effect of Energy Strengthening like your Special ability Augment but this isn't passive but an active one

Noire touch Kallen's finger and glows in a reddish light

Kallen: as expected of your healing ability...

Noire: it's part of Blood arts...

Kallen: I see... how to achieve the Energy strengthening?

Noire: it's simple first gather energy in your bones, then the veins, then the muscles, then the skin

Kallen: so it's a sequence

Noire: yes! because if you skipped a part The one that has no energy on it will be the one that will bear the stress and you will get injured

Kallen: But you only strengthen your pinky

Noire: because it's like numbing yourself but without actual damage taken

Kallen: isn't that dangerous if you got injured?

Noire: you can think of it as an inner shield you are invulnerable if you had it but it consumes energy too so if you receive an attack that your energy reserve can't handle you will exhaust yourself

Kallen: so that means I shouldn't receive a risky attack... and I won't rely on it too much

Noire is happy with Kallen's thoughts

Noire: (good thing I won't see her rushing recklessly towards the enemy because they think they are invincible)

Noire: you have experience with your augment so it's a bit easier for you this time

Kallen: thanks for the guidance Noire

Noire: I'm your teacher after all I should do at least this much


Noire and Kallen are fighting only using martial arts

despite Kallen's effort to land a hit on Noire the latter only can easily read her feints and plans like she saw the future

Noire: checkmate

Kallen: Hmm?

Noire stomps the ground making Kallen lose her posture and get hit by the side making her fly towards the abandoned mini market

Kallen just shrugs the debris and walks out as nothing happened

Kallen: I forgot to use the terrain as an advantage

Noire: yes

Kallen: One more time!

Noire: then come at me as much as you like!


Kallen and Noire are in the Bathtub fully undressed

Noire: still It's been 2 weeks since we trained here meant we are going to the wasteland

Kallen: isn't the wasteland is only an hour's drive from here

Noire: yes... but the wasteland we are going to is a ruined city and infested by corrupted

Kallen: I will, isn't your last feeding about 2 weeks ago?

Noire: yeah

Kallen: why didn't you say about it!

Noire: because It isn't necessary

Kallen: you are doing so much for me and yet I barely felt I give something to you

Noire seeing Kallen seems sad because her actions made her feel bad

Noire: geez... what kind of Human likes their blood get sucked by a vampire

Noire moves toward Kallen and takes a sip of her blood


Why do I make it needlessly erotic? I need to be a monk or something


[Augment in the Energy Series is applying energy to act as a secondary external shield to the user, object, or another person it can also be used to enhance the performance of weapons

Augment on the bloodline is the passively strengthening of the person's body due to the constant exposure of energy

Augment in the skills are the enhancement of the weapon to make it stronger by granting it an elemental branch by Manipulating elemental energy to it]