WebNovelVamp Wine41.18%


[Theresa] Arknights

[Dokutah] Arknights

[Kal'tsit] Arknights

[Closure] Arknights


Silence resounds in the surroundings making Noire drop sweat

Noire whispers to Kallen

Noire: did they let down their guard?

Kallen: nope

Noire: this is going to be much more brainstorming to do...

Noire is thinking to make the awkward situation not go worst when silence has been broken by the victims

Theresa: Tell me what is your name?

Noire: my name is Noire... And with me is my student Kallen

Theresa: I see... It seems we had a misunderstanding so I accept the apologies

Noire: Well I apologize for destroying the bunker so let us excuse ourselves

Noire whispered to Kallen

Noire: let's go back up I don't want to deal with a suspicious group

Kallen: I agree with you there


Theresa: Noire and Kallen...

Seeing the barrier is backing away

Theresa: wait!!

Dokutah: What are you doing?!

Theresa: I think they can become allies

Dokutah: they can but without reputation in hand they surely will not ally themselves, also they are strangers

Kal'tsit: I agree with Dokutah... We shouldn't let anyone mix because they have a high chance to betray us

Theresa looks at her two close subordinates

Theresa: trust me on this

Dokutah and Kal'tsit can reluctantly agree with Theresa's stubbornness

Noire: what is it?

Theresa: I have a proposition and including the damages you cost us


Noire: I knew we should run instead of backing away slowly... I destroyed their shelter so it's normal to ask for compensation

Kallen: I think the hatches are very cheap

Noire: production cost, labour cost, material cost it isn't cheap

Noire: it's probably 2M LMD...

Noire: means I will become poor again

Kallen: didn't you have over 30M LMD?!

Noire: projects are expensive to make and I haven't started yet

Noire: I need at least 5B LMD to make the foundation of my operation

Kallen: what are you making?

Noire: winery, Lab for weapon making, forgery, Lab for chemicals, vehicle factory, bar, a computer room, a test site, and also a bedroom

Making Kallen look blankly at Noire

Noire: what? I'm an ambitious person just because I'm a wanderer doesn't mean I will continue to walk around like a lost sheep

Noire: I will build my pen then I wander around

Kallen: I guess I'll support you whatever you will do

Noire: that's supposed to be my line...

Kallen: it's mine now

Noire just sighs and answers back to Theresa

Noire: okay! But first, put the guns down


After hearing that Theresa ordered her group to lower their guns

the group lowered their guns but they remained alert no matter what happened

footsteps have resounded in the stairs but the crimson barrier prevents them to peek at who is on the other side of it

the person is already on the floor

the barrier dissipates revealing a short girl that has long pale blonde hair that almost reaches to her heels, blue eyes, wearing a white hoodie that has and shorts that covered her knees... in her back is a red sword that has a Ruby red eye that emits hostility and its entire body is glowing in faint red

her companion is a girl that has long white hair and blue eyes wearing a standard school battle dress that has been designed by the humankind

Noire: then how to repay the debt?

Theresa: take a seat first...

Noire and Kallen take a sit at each other but what is surprising is that they didn't feel tensed at all even they entered an unknown group

Theresa: very well that compensation is very simple

Theresa: Let's join arms

Noire: why?

Theresa: my group is planning to create a group organisation and I need manpower seeing your strength makes me want to hire you

Noire: planning already?

Noire: I'm not sure why are you telling me this though... I don't know what is the catch though...

Theresa: I can trust you...

Noire: based on?

Theresa: instinct

Noire facepalms and looked at the surrounding people

her group seemed sweat dropping after hearing that

Noire: the best thing I could do is give you my number and call me if you need me to do stuff but Kallen is out of limits because she will still have to go to school

Dokutah: Fair enough...

Kal'tsit: Closure you can save this girl's number for future contracts

Closure: Yes!

Noire gives her number for Closure

Noire: that's all?

Theresa: Yes...

Noire: you guys are weird... but in a good way

Noire and Kallen leave the room making the tense atmosphere dispersed

Dokutah: you are too kind for your own good Theresa

Theresa: I'll take that as a compliment

Kal'tsit: still... what are we going to do now? because the door is destroyed

Closure: there's still a second door... good thing I only closed the first ones

Dokutah: we can continue our next step to build a base and also we need someone that can deal with barriers in the future

Theresa: I agree...


Noire: that's unfortunate we didn't get the thing we need but being Hired as a mercenary?

Noire: I guess that's fine... I get money anyways

Noire looks at Kallen who suddenly becomes upset since then

Noire: (Are all the female humans are this easy to get mad?)

Noire: Did I do something wrong?

Kallen: nothing...

Noire: (Nothing?!!! then don't be upset!!!)

Noire: *sigh* I guess it's about accepting being a Mercenary

Kallen stayed silent

Noire: look... you are going to school or a training camp soon and I'm pretty sure you can't get out of the facility until you have the permission of the establishment

Noire: Mercenary work takes days to finish even months and I'm pretty sure it will drag your grades down because you aren't present in the school

Noire: that's why I can't let you go with me

Kallen: you said you won't going to leave me...

Noire: I won't I can travel around the world in just an hour to be fair and instantly finished my work but they will probably assign me to groups so I can't do anything about it

seeing Kallen being stubborn once again

Noire clenched her right hand...

Noire: *sigh* here

Kallen: Hmm?

Noire: this is my gift for mastering the External and Internal Manipulation of energy Im sorry its late

it's a white bracelet that has pink streaks on it and has a red-letter of Kallen's name

Kallen: looked at the bracelet and looks at Noire

Noire: If you put your energy onto it I can appear anytime

Kallen puts energy into it making the bracelet shine in pink contour

Noire: I'm already here though...

Kallen: thank you... I will cherish it

Kallen smiles brightly

it isn't a metaphor she radiates light due to an unknown phenomenon

Noire immediately looks away

Noire: so bright
